

Tuesday, October 18, 2011



I'm guessing that these scumbag Democrats think if they make the comparison enough times and it is then repeated in the state controlled media even more times they can make this little premise of theirs finally stick with the American people. But honestly folks I think most people see that there is no comparison, whatsoever, that can be made between these two groups, not one. Despite that fact Barry "Almighty" continues to say the Occupy Wall Street movement was born of many of the same sentiments that led to the tea party movement. “I understand the frustrations being expressed in those protests,” Barry said in an interview with ABC News. “In some ways, they’re not that different from some of the protests that we saw coming from the Tea Party. Both on the left and the right, I think people feel separated from their government. They feel that their institutions aren’t looking out for them.” Blah, blah, blah.

It's a load of crap, and he knows it. It's just more Barry game playing. For one thing Tea Party folks want LESS government, these parasitic malcontents down on Wall Street want MORE, much MORE. An obvious fact that separates the two groups and one very clearly being ignored by Barry as he made the comments in an interview with ABC News correspondent Jake Tapper set for broadcast on the network’s “Nightline” program tonight. The network released excerpts from the interview conducted in Jamestown, N.C., where the president was making a stop on his three-day, taxpayer funded, bus tour to promote his economic proposals. Barry said his proposals to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans and close some corporate loopholes can help restore a sense that “everybody gets a fair shake but we’re also asking a fair share from everybody.” Doing so will help dissipate some of the anger expressed by demonstrators, he said.

Even Barry's own rationale for these bonehead Occupy Wall Street goofs, exposes the difference between these and the Tea Party folks. The Tea Partiers are fed up with the subsidizing of the leeches in our society who pay absolutely ZERO in income taxes. That's what's not fair here. That 47 percent of the households in this country who enjoy a free ride at the expense of the rest of us. And very few if any of these malcontents currently traipsing around are actually unemployed, they're just all pissed off because they're expected to work. I read something somewhere that I thought was hilarious, I guess of these morons are whining because the got their expensive electronic gadgets ripped off. That is just too funny. And anyway, if they were really poor and unemployed how is it exactly that they were able to come these very same expensive little toys. Thank God for mommy and daddy. They must be oh so proud!

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