

Friday, October 14, 2011


Well another liberal has seen fit to now throw their support to the throngs who see themselves as being the point of the spear in the rescuing of America from the evil rich and the corporations they control. In this case it's some fella by the name of Jim Wallis who has been described as a liberal reverend extraordinaire. And he has taken it upon himself to now very gleefully jump on the Occupy Wall Street bandwagon. And now, the redistribution-of-wealth loving Christian leftist is issuing some advice, and more than a little praise, for these protesters. I'll be honest with you, before this endorsement of his for these protesters I didn't even who this clown was. But from what I've been able to find out, I guess this guy Wallis, has quite the history of championing all manner of far-left causes to the point where he has just accepted another $150,000 from George Soros’ Open Society Foundation. That little action alone gives us some idea where is stands on certain issues. He has already come out and very clearly stated that some of the protesters’ actions and stances show that “they stand with Jesus.”

So I guess after having headed down to Wall Street last week he has now essentially seen fit to come out and back this so-called grassroots movement publicly. In a recent article published on the Huffington Post, entitled, “An Open Letter to the Occupiers from a Veteran Troublemaker,” Wallis offers up his own special brand of advice to the young people who continue to reside in Zuccotti Park. The first few paragraphs of his “open letter” are incredibly supportive of the movement, as he showers praise upon the Occupiers. As we look over just a few of the supposed high points it's plain to see that he has a rather unorthodox philosophy. To those whom is directing this open letter, he says, "You have awakened the sleeping giant, too long dormant, but ever present, deep in the American democratic spirit." Proclaiming that, "You have given voice and space to the unspoken feelings of countless others about something that has gone terribly wrong in our society." Going even further, "While there are some among us who may misunderstand your motives and message, know that you are an inspiration to many more."

In addition to his high praise, Wallis offered some words of wisdom when it comes to addressing the movement’s opponents. He encourages the protesters not to demonize those who stand against them. “Good people can get trapped in bad systems,” he writes. Then, he reaffirms that the protesters are correct to hold both “systems and the individuals within them” accountable. Oddly enough, he tells them they’ve become “citizen economists” and that they should continue looking at what a “just economy” would look like. Of course, Wallis’ vision for a just economy is not a sentiment that would be embraced by Americans who have a more conservative, even moderate, worldview. He continues: "I know you believe that the leadership on Wall Street, and Constitution and Pennsylvania Avenues have all failed you. Indeed, they have failed us all. But while you feel betrayed by both our business and political leaders, don’t give up on leadership per se." In the end, Wallis does encourage those railing against the current capitalistic system to remain non-violent and to channel their energy into creative action.

I'm just not understanding these people, even a supposed reverend, who can so confidently advocate for the destruction of an economic system that has resulted in the providing of so much to so many. In a country where all you need is just a little motivation to become so successful, to be willing to become nothing more that a parasite seems like such waste to me. For one to have no other desire in life than to tear down others instead of building oneself up, simply does not compute. We all have the same opportunities in life, and those who refuse to take advantage of them should not then be able to turn around and literally steal the fruits of the labor expended by those who did not let those opportunities pass them by. The behavior being exhibited by these idiotic malcontents there on Wall Street is disgusting. Is this how they were raised? Are mommy and daddy proud of them? Are the values that they are presently exhibiting, the same values that were instilled in them as they progressed through their individual lives? What I find to be truly terrifying is the fact that these people represent the future of our country.

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