

Friday, October 14, 2011


I suppose that it can go without saying that The Occupy Wall Street movement continues to draw overseas political attention. And because of all that attention we recently found out that those in the Democrat Party have been joined in their support of this "movement" by none other than the head rag head in Iran. Iran’s top "leader," Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said on Wednesday that the wave of protests reflects a serious crisis that will ultimately topple capitalism in America and went on to claimed the United States is now in a full-blown crisis because its “corrupt foundation has been exposed to the American people.” Gee, sounds like something you might hear on any average day from someone like "Dingy" Harry, "Littke Dick" Durbin, or even Barry "Almighty" himself. Or, it might also be heard being espoused by such common American haters as "BJ" Clinton or his former sidekick, Algore. “They (U.S. government) may crack down on this movement but cannot uproot it,” Communist Broadcasting Service (CBS) reports Khamenei saying. “Ultimately, it will grow so that it will bring down the capitalist system and the West.” Well, if old Khamenei can manage to get just a little bit more help from his man in the Oval Office, that just might happen. Which makes it all the more imperative that the current occupier of that spaced be replaced. The remarks came a day after U.S. officials busted, by sheer dumb luck, a plot to assassinate Saudi Arabia’s ambassador, and were seen as being a return volley, of sort, after U.S. officials claimed that it was Iran who was behind the plot. The Iranian "leadership" accused the U.S. of using the plot as a way if igniting a new global campaign to isolate the Islamic republic.

These supposed "grassroots" protesters in New York plan to gather at the headquarters of JP Morgan Chase, where they‘ll continue to decry the expiration of the state’s 2 percent “millionaires’ tax” in December. Meanwhile, the lawyer for some idiotic female protester pepper sprayed during an action last month is demanding that the Manhattan district attorney prosecute an NYPD deputy inspector on an assault charge. Commissioner Raymond Kelly said the matter is being investigated by police internal affairs and the Civilian Complaint Review Board. Occupy Seattle demonstrators sent the mayor a list of demands, including approval for large tents to be used as a kitchen, infirmary, storage area and information center, and written approval of long-term occupancy. In Washington, six people were arrested Tuesday for storming a Senate office building. More than 125 protesters in Boston were arrested after they ignored warnings to move from a downtown green space, police said. The Head Rag Head in Charge (HRHIC), Khamenei, went on in his critique, to praise the protests, calling them a consequence of “the prevalence of top-level corruption, poverty and social inequality in America,” or so reports The New York Times. This guys just sounds more and more like a Democrat. Judge for yourself. Barry described things by saying, “The protesters are giving voice to a more broad-based frustration about how our financial system works.” On that same day, "Slow Joe," fielding questions before a symposium audience in Washington, likened the movement to the Tea Party, and asked: “Why is it increasing in terms of the people it's attracting? The core [reason] is the bargain has been breached with the American people.” And at her weekly news conference, "Stetch" Pelosi proved most exuberant in her praise saying: “God bless them for their spontaneity!” She went on to predict that their protests will prove “effective."

The Ayatollah "Great and Powerful Oz" Khamenei, even went so far as to criticize “the heavy-handed treatment of the demonstrators by U.S. officials,” saying that such treatment “is not seen even in underdeveloped countries with dictatorial regimes.” This guy sure has a rather peculiar definition for "heavy-handed treatment." Well, I guess what we could be doing is to have our police doing what this guy, Khamenei had his police do to the folks who took to the streets in Iran not all that long ago. You know, SHOOT THEM! All our guys are doing is to use a little pepper spray. Just imagine if we were to take up the tactics of this guy, this "religious" leader. Anyway, Khamenei’s remarks were not the first from Iranian officials, nor are they likely to be the last as tension between the two countries only worsens. Earlier some general, by the name of Masoud Jazayeri, of Iran‘s Revolutionary Guard said the protests spreading from New York’s Wall Street to other U.S. cities are the beginning of an “American Spring,” likening them to the uprisings that toppled Arab autocrats in the Middle East. "American spring," that little terms sounds eerily similar to way our old friend Al Gore described things. The general must be a Democrat too. “The failure of the U.S. president to resolve the Wall Street crisis will turn this economic movement into a political and social movement protesting the very structure of the U.S. government,” the official IRNA news agency quoted Jazayeri as saying Sunday. “A revolution and a comprehensive movement against corruption in the U.S. is in the making. The last phase will be the collapse of the Western capitalist system,” he said, according to IRNA. Sounds like a DNC press release.

The terminology currently being bandied about by the Democrats in their calls for revolution sound remarkably similar to what we're hearing from those religious fanatics in Iran and can lead to only one conclusion being drawn. I means, let's be serious here folks, never before has a boisterous campaign of outright civil disobedience, marked by more than 700 arrests, been so warmly received by a sitting president and his entire party. In the course of just a single day last week, Barry "Almighty," "Slow Joe" Biden, And "Old Stretch" Pelosi all voiced their support for these parasitic malcontents whose rallies over the last month have spread to 13 cities and drawn more than $60,000 in online donations. At the same time, supposed Democrat "leaders" were making their outlandish comments, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, or DCCC, which is the fundraising arm of House Democrats, has forged the party’s clearest operational link with the movement. An online petition at the DCCC website urges 100,000 party members to “stand with” the movement. As of late Wednesday, some 40,000 visitors had clicked a button to say they “like” the page. On the other hand, leading Republicans, for their part, have criticized the protesters in unsparing terms. “I, for one, am increasingly concerned about the growing mobs occupying Wall Street,” said House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., last Friday. Rep. Peter King, the New York Republican who sits on the House Financial Services Committee, speaking the day before, was even sterner. “What they're doing is disgraceful,” King said of the protesters, in an interview with Fox News. “They should be denounced; they're breaking the law; they're serving no real purpose at all….And for the president or anyone else to give them any credence or credibility is also irresponsible."

All of this talk does serve to provide at least one rather useful purpose, in that it is but one more way for the American people to identify the very clear and very stark differences that exist between our two poltical parties. Because While one party stands with America, the other stands very firmly, even defiantly, against it. We have now gotten to the point where the Democrat Party has become very obvious in its anti-America stance. The Democrat Party of today has now shifted so far leftward, a fact that is very clearly reflected in the fact its members are some of the least patriotic individuals you'll find anywhere in this country. The "leadership" of the Democrat Party has come to be made up completely of those who, quite literally, have a deep and abiding hatred for this country and have become very open about their desire to destroy it. And, apparently, they see nothing wrong now, in allying themselves with murdering religious zealots who have as their primary mission, the achieving of that very same goal. And with Barry now seeing that his re-election may actually be in peril, the Democrats are now working to pull out all of the stops, and what better way to do that than by choosing to incite, by way of their enthusiastic support, those who can then, in turn, be used to as means of both intimidation and as pawns by Barry and the Democrats in their ongoing attempt to create the perception of the numerouls injustices inherent in our capitalist economic system. Then throw some union thugs into the mix, just for good measure, and you have the potential for things to get very bad, very quickly. All for the very purpose of creating the appearance of crisis in need if being urgently addressed by the only entity capable of doing so, the all knowing, all seeing FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

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