

Sunday, October 2, 2011


As a man whom you would think would very capable of very easily recognizing “Lucifer” if he were to ever actually bump into, we have that maggot extraodinaire, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, saying that his union coalition would participate in any planned recall campaign targeting Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R), the man whom Mr. Trumka referred to as being “Lucifer.” “Would I support going after Lucifer?” Trumka said, after being asked if he would support a recall of Walker. “Let me think about that. That's a tough one. Of course we’re gonna' be there.” Well it’s nice to see that Mr. Trumka is for putting the needs of country ahead of his own personal needs. NOT!

Trumka, taking questions after delivering a speech that was supposed to be about jobs at the Brookings Institution, is in Washington, D.C. Brookings is one of the nation’s oldest “think tanks” and one that maintains a rather left-of-center reputation. Mr. Trumka accused Gov. Walker of “overreaching,” having done so by using a “contrived deficit” to try to strip public-sector unions of their collective bargaining rights. “I mean, the guy has overreached, he’s been a bad governor,” said astute Mr. Trumka. “He tried to use a contrived deficit to take people out.” A contrived deficit? What planet is this moron from?

Of course what Trumka was referring to was the months-long budget battle in Wisconsin that saw Gov. Walker try to close a budget deficit in part by daring to ask that public sector union employees contribute some of their salaries to their own pension and health care benefits. What many of us in the private sector saw as a very reasonable request, these public union spoiled brats saw as some kind of blatant attack upon their “hard fought” contracts and promptly said no. So, when the unions balked, Walker and Republicans in the state legislature moved to strip the unions of their collective bargaining ability.

And we all remember how the crybaby Democrats in the state Senate demonstrated their legislative skill by fleeing across the state line all in an effort to prevent the Republican majority from passing Walker’s budget bill containing the removal of the unions’ collective bargaining powers. What followed was that unions from across the country descended on the Wisconsin State House, camping out inside for weeks in protest. Walker’s budget ultimately passed. In retaliation, a brain trust consisting of union goons and their crooked Democratic allies launched recall petitions against six Republican state senators, managing to defeat only two of them.

Now, this same cadre of malcontents is preparing for a possible recall of Walker himself, an effort Trumka has now said that he would enthusiastically support. So I guess according to Mr. Trumka, with the country rapidly coming unglued, the only ones who need to “sacrifice,” to use liberal Democrat jargon, are to be we who work in the private sector. These public sector employees are to be considered immune from having to ante up even the slightest amount to help the country get through this Democrat inspired mess in which we currently find ourselves. But once Barry has successfully achieved his much sought after complete economic and financial collapse in this country, just who do these imbecilic union morons think will be able to cover the escalating costs their luxurious pay and benefits packages?

1 comment:

  1. The quid-pro-quo-liberal-union scam is a thing of beauty to watch. Unions pay Democrats to vote for government employee wage-and-benefit increases, collect dues from those employees to both enrich union thugs and Democrat politicos, and everyone wins . . . oh yeah, with the exception of Republicans and taxpayers.
