

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Rabid billionaire and certified lunatic, George Soros has had his name bandied about quite a bit over the course of the last few years. Usually in connection with some leftist Democrat cause or candidate. Being blamed for just about everything except climate change, Mr. Soros does, in reality, represent a very serious threat to not only this country, but to the financial stability of nations all across the globe. Everyone is familiar with the many stories having to do with his past escapades to the point where many people, I fear, may have simply begun to tune them all out. But they have no idea how perilous such a decision my prove to be, because what people must realize is that Soros poses what can only be described as a very real danger to our country. And just to reinforce that notion, lets take a very brief look at what it is, exactly, that Mr. Soros really stands for. Or to put it another way, what it is that his vision might be? Beware, however, because traipsing through the mind of George Soros can be a rather harrowing, and disturbing experience to say the least.

Recently, old George has been busy pushing for a common treasury for the eurozone. He has also been quite busy advocating the putting of major banks under European Central Bank direction and cheap debt refinancing for countries like Italy and Spain. And, in the words of Business Insider, these proposals are similar to his vision of a “New World Order," something that he has promoted for years. In the process of campaigning for his numerous little pet projects, he has drawn a lot of negative attention to himself. He has a history of not being a big advocate of individual rights, of any kind, constantly seeking ways to undermine such rights, going all the way back to younger days when he was a Nazi sympathizer. So the question must be asked: what exactly is his vision? So a gentleman by the name Mr. Alex Howe, of Business Insider, has taken it upon himself to examine Soros’ own words in an effort to make all of us just a little smarter about what Mr. Soros might be up to, so we can decide for ourselves whether or not his plan is indeed as radical as what it is reported as being. What follows is what Mr. Howe discovered.

1. Our first category has to do with how Mr. Soros feels about how alliances made between government and business threaten democracy:

The Soros Solution: A New World Order. “Perhaps the greatest threat to freedom and democracy in the world today comes from the formation of unholy alliances between government and businesses,” he wrote in Open Society: Reforming Global Capitalism. Soros specifically lists corrupt countries like Zimbabwe, as well as plutocracy in Russia.

2. Next we have Mr. Soros' perception that the United States supports unilateralism, which threatens a stable world order:

The Soros Solution: A world that operates under multilateralism, not one super power. “The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States,” he wrote in The Age of Fallibility: Consequences of the War on Terror. Dismayed by a seemingly overzealous U.S. foreign policy stemming from 9/11, Soros has been unapologetically critical of U.S. military interventions. Again in his book “Open Society: Reforming Global Capitalism," he spells out his criticism: “It may be shocking to say, but I believe that the current unilateralist posture of the United States constitutes a serious threat to the peace and prosperity of the world.” “The United States faces a crisis of identity: Does it want to be a solitary superpower or the leader of the free world?” he added later in The Crisis of Global Capitalism. In short, Soros is a huge advocate of multilateralism. Indeed, Fox Nation tied him to the Western intervention in Libya.

3. Next our little hit parade is Mr. Soros' notion that right now, capitalism is the enemy of the open society:

The Soros Solution: Regulated markets that are not governed by capitalism “The main enemy of the open society, I believe, is no longer the communist but the capitalist threat,” Soros wrote referencing the state of the world after the fall of the Soviet empire. Soros believes that an unfettered free market is dangerous After he wrote about how capitalism had taken communism’s place, Russia announced a debt moratorium, precipitating the infamous collapse of Long-Term Capital Management. From “When Genius Failed,” Roger Lowenstein’s account of the crisis: “In seventy years, Russia’s Communists had not succeeded in dealing markets such a telling blow as did its deadbeat capitalists.”

(Source of Quote: The Capitalist Threat, by George Soros, courtesy of the Atlantic)

4. Next is how George sees that laissez-faire economics isn’t working anymore:

The Soros Solution: An end to laissez-faire economics, which means financial transactions between private parties would be governed by state intervention, including restrictive regulations, taxes, tariffs and enforced monopolies. “Laissez-faire ideology does not prepare us to cope with this challenge. It does not recognize the need for a world order,” Soros wrote in the Atlantic. Here Soros’ context is the collapse of the Cold War geopolitical structure, which allowed capitalism to run free. Comparing the late 90′s to the “golden age of capitalism” at the end of the 19th century, Soros writes: “The earlier period was in some ways more stable. There was an imperial power, England, that was prepared to dispatch gunboats to faraway places because as the main beneficiary of the system it had a vested interest in maintaining that system. Today the United States does not want to be the policeman of the world. The earlier period had the gold standard; today the main currencies float and crush against each other like continental plates. Yet the free-market regime that prevailed a hundred years ago was destroyed by the First World War. Totalitarian ideologies came to the fore, and by the end of the Second World War there was practically no movement of capital between countries.” Basically, he believes free markets do not have a place in this world.

5. Soros also seems to be of the opinion that markets aren’t stabilized or regulated enough:

The Soros Solution: A global system of political decision-making that will implement a new global economic system and govern global economics. “To stabilize and regulate a truly global economy, we need some global system of political decision-making,” he wrote in The Crisis of Global Capitalism. “In short, we need a global society to support our global economy,” he wrote.

6. His opinion that we need international law to rule over states and institutions:

The Soros Solution: An international legal system that rules over individual states and international institutions. “The sovereignty of states must be subordinated to international law and international institutions.” Soros says he does not want a “global state.“ What he wants is a ”global body with actual political weight, supporting ‘open societies’–transparent, robust democracies,” Howe writes.

(Source of Quote: “The Crisis of Global Capitalism“)

7. Soros state that capitalism has triumphed. But it makes democracy impossible:

The Soros Solution: Democracy cannot coexist with capitalism. Now is the time for democracy. “We can speak of the triumph of capitalism in the world, but we cannot yet speak about the triumph of democracy. There is a serious mismatch between the political and the economic conditions that prevail in the world today,” Soros wrote in Open Society: Reforming Global Capitalism. Soros is a true globalist. For him, the “mismatch” is between an economy that flows relatively unimpeded worldwide, and a geopolitical system that defers to the sovereignty of nation-states–even repressive ones. This would explain why he has directly intervened in several international crises. Although The New Yorker claims that, “He provided crucial support to civil-society movements throughout the Soviet bloc“ and that ”he probably did more than any other private citizen in the West to nudge European Communism into history’s dustbin,” his global interventions have not always been so lofty.

8. And here's the clincher. Soros says that if we don’t end capitalism soon, someone will have the incentive to takeover the world (Gee, I wonder if he anyone specific in mind):

The Soros Solution: Consider the possibility of changing the system during a volatile time. “The worse a situation becomes, the less it takes to turn it around, the bigger the upside,” Soros said in a Time magazine interview (That sounds familiar: “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste“). If not, the “upside” will be enjoyed by only the victors of capitalism. Again, the British currency devaluation crisis of ‘92 comes to mind. Soros made a $1.5 billion bet against the pound, which singlehandedly raised Bank of England interest rates by 2 percent and contributed to forcing the withdrawal of the pound from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism.

Mr. Howe ends on this note: So, Soros knows firsthand that financial actors can bank massively from political disaster–and, indeed, even cause it. His actions impacted the course of a nation’s history, further fueling wild beliefs about his supposed shadowy influence. It’s another irony of Soros conspiracy theories–the man who broke the pound is now a critic of unfettered free markets.

Now that we have, thanks to Mr. Howe, a better understanding of how the somewhat twisted mind of Mr. Soros works, and of his fundamental beliefs, it becomes much easier to comprehend the implications of his suggestions and the serious threat that he poses to the stability of, not only the world's financial institutions, by also of many governments. I think it safe to describe him as being, for lack of a better term, a financial terrorist who, because of his billions, is in the position of being capable of exerting considerable influence. And besides his being a well known sugar daddy of not only the Democrat Party in this country as well as a number of leftist front groups from Moveon.org to organizations with such innocuous sounding names as, America Coming Together and the Center for American Progress, it is very safe to say that the reach of Mr. Soros is be considered as being on a global scale. And his billions provide to him the necessary resources to impact, to a certain degree, the information available to the American people. Hence the reason for his having a personal vendetta, or sorts, against Fox News and his funding of an ongoing war against the network through various front groups such as the previously mentioned Center for American Progress.

Soros represents a very serious threat to those ideals that form the very foundation of this country, one that it is going to very hard to combat because he has so many powerful people now in his pocket. And having control of powerful people makes him, by osmosis, even more powerful, and it will take people of great courage to stand up to him. Courage because he has at disposal all manner of weapon that provides to him a capability of very publically destroying anyone who he sees as standing in his way. He spent a very substantial amount of money to defeat Bush in 2004, but for what was essentially a $20 million dollar investment in John Kerry Heinz, George was only able to gain the Electoral College votes from 1 insignificant state over the 2000 election. But he came back to play a major role the victory of Barack Hussein Obama and of the Democrats, in general, in the 2008 election. He will remain a sinister force that we will have to be prepared to contend with up until that day finally comes when he find himself standing at the gates of Hell. But even that will offer us no respite, because he has offspring standing at the ready to take over.

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