

Friday, October 7, 2011


Since day one of Barry’s reign, "Hope and Change" has come to us in ways that, dare I say, many weren’t quite expecting. At least those who very cheerfully drank the Barry flavored “Kool Aid.” The most recent example of what would indicate that is the fact that we now have families being more dependent on government programs than ever before. Essentially what we now have in this country, is nearly half, or 48.5%, of the U.S. population living in a household that received some type of government benefit in the first quarter of 2010, that according to Census data. Those numbers, by the way, have risen since the middle of the recession when 44.4% lived households receiving benefits in the third quarter of 2008. So between the third quarter of 2008 and the first quarter of 2010 what might have taken place that could account for this increase? Hmmmm, let’s think here. Oh, what a minute, I got it! That would be the fact that Mr. “Hope and Change” got himself elected and had nearly a year under belt as president. Elected, I might add, thanks to one group of people who, out some perverted sense of guilt, saw it as a way to prove they weren't racist, and another group who saw the electing of a "brother" as being the perfect way to insure that the flow of their government checks remained uninterupted. And of course, we can't leave out a very corrupt state-controlled media who played a very active role in getting this guy elected.

So, now we have now identified the source, or the individual, which is responsible for having chosen a course that would only serve to make matters very muich worse, creating an environment that actually encourages even more dependency on the government. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise, at least to anyone willing to look, how it is that we got to this point, the point where the share of Americans now relying on government benefits has reached a historic high. Granted, I suppose one can blame that on, in large part, the deep recession and a meager, if non-existent, economic recovery, but can’t these events also be traced directly back to the cockamamie mentality of “Hope and Change?” Isn’t it that whole "progessive" concept that we can safely say is responsible for the rapid, and recent, explosive expansion of government into areas where it has absolutely no business? The reults of which, I’d say, are following Barry's little game plan just perfectly. So the bottom line here is that courtesy of “Hope and Change” we now have some 34.2% of Americans living in a household that receives benefits such as food stamps, subsidized housing, cash welfare or Medicaid (the federal-state health care program for the poor). Another 14.5% lived in homes where someone was on Medicare (the health care program for the elderly). Nearly 16% lived in households receiving Social Security.

Continuing unemployment of over 9 percent, with real unemployment actually remaining well into the double digits, together with an increased reliance on government programs have acted in tandem to considerably shrink the nation’s pool of taxpayers. And as much as Barry would like nothing more than to be able to blame as much as possible on his predecessor, and, infact, does so at every opportunity, the fact of the matter is that it has been the policies created and instituted by Barry himself that have caused things to continue to rapidly deteriorate. The net result here is as that some 46.4% of households will pay no federal income tax this year, that according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center. That’s up from previous years that were, again, pre-“Hope and Change.” As budgetary problems continue to worsen there’s always talk about some need for "entitlement" programs to come under closer scrutiny, but it's nothing more than an attempt by policymakers to create the facade of there being some manner of willingness to tame the federal government’s budget deficit. Barry "Almighty" and members of Congress considered changes to Social Security and Medicare as part of a grand bargain (that ultimately fell apart) to raise the debt ceiling earlier this year. Cuts to such programs "could" emerge again from the so-called “super committee,” tasked with releasing a plan to rein in the deficit, but that's rather doubtful.

So, we continually hear Barry “Almighty” screaming from the rooftops, that those greedy rich need to finaly start paying what is their “fair share,” but never saying what their "fair share" might be. Republican presidential hopefuls, on the other hand, have continued to point out the very obvious fact that today nearly half of all households in this country pay absolutely no federal income tax. They ask how "fair" is it to ask those who already pay the lions share of all income taxes paid, to pay even more, and at a time when so many are paying nothing. They say, and rightfully so, that to enjoy the privilege of living in such a great and wondrous country, and to reap the benefits from doing so, that everyone needs to contribute, if for no other reason than that everybody needs to have a little skin in the game, something that gives them a sense of ownership. When everyone is contributing, then everyone has a stake in the outcome. Right now we have one group, which is paying nothing, that is essentially busying itself punching holes in the bottom of the boat while another group is bailing like crazy and not having much of an effect. If the group punching the holes would realize the idiocy of the actions and start assisting in the bailing, think how much easier it would be to keep the boat afloat. One segment of society should not be permitted to take advantage of another, either up or down the socioeconomic scale.

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