

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Comparing these lazy imbeciles participating in Occupy Wall Street who wish nothing more that to go through life getting paid by the government and exerting as little energy as possible, with those Tea Party folks who saw the government stripping from them their right to determine their own health care is really quite a stretch. But not for sleazy, scumbag Democrats. The perfect example of this never say die attempt is none other that our esteemed House Minority Whip, Steny "The dipstick" Hoyer, Democrat from “Merryland.” It was gold old Steny who said as recently as Tuesday, that Tea Party protests at town hall meetings in 2010 were “much more confrontational” than the left-wing Occupy protests now underway in cities around the country. “I don’t know whether [House Majority Leader] Mr. Cantor (R-Va.) watched any of the town meetings that we had in August of 2009, [but] they were much more confrontational in many respects than these demonstrations are,” Hoyer told reporters at his weekly pen-and-pad news conference Tuesday. Actually, the only ones truly confrontational at the town hall of which Steny speaks, were the resident union goons paid for by the Democrats to come in and rough up a few of those present who had the audacity to show up and complain about the outright seizure of their healthcare.

The second-ranking House Democrat was, of course, referring to the Tea Party-led protests at numerous town hall meetings in 2009 where many Americans protested and spoke out rather forcefully against the very unpopular Obamacare "health-reform" law, which was being "debated," and I use that term very loosely, in Congress at the time. Democrats, primarily those in the House, used the summer break period to go home to their districts and to attempt to convince the public to support Obamacare. Instead, most were met by large groups of angry protesters who recognized the fact that the government, which was then attempting and has since succeeded, in taking away from them one of their most basic and most private decisions that they make. Hoyer, who had been asked his opinion of the blatantly left-wing Occupy protests in New York, Washington, D.C., and other cities, said that they were merely democracy in action, and that the protesters were highlighting one of the “good aspects of democracy.” “This is a democracy,” Hoyer said, “and one of the good aspects of democracy is that people get the opportunity to express their concerns and hope that actions will be taken to address those grievances.” You guys like Hoyer just kill me. It's like every time they open their mouth, shit just falls out.

And Hoyer's simplistic, and rather idiotic, reference to Cantor involves comments Cantor made October 7 about the Occupy D.C. protests in Washington. Cantor said that he was “increasingly concerned” about the leftist protesters gathering in cities across the country. “I, for one, am increasingly concerned about the growing mobs occupying Wall Street and the other cities across the country,” Cantor said. Now I'm sure it comes as not surprise to anyone who hasn't been living under a rock for quite some time, that Hoyer’s comments were to be echoed those of House Minority Leader Nancy "Too much Botox" Pelosi who also joined in the attack of Cantor for calling the protesters “mobs,” saying that Cantor didn’t respond when the Tea Party was demonstrating. “I didn't hear him say anything when the Tea Party was out demonstrating, actually spitting on members of Congress right here in the Capitol and he and his colleagues were putting signs in the windows encouraging them,” Pelosi said October 9. Democrats are always very selective in what it is that defines democracy. Such as when Bush was in the White House dissent was considered as being the highest form of patriotism but since Barry "Almighty" moved into the Oval Office no such privilege exists for the Republicans. For Republicans, to dissent is to be considered as being nothing more than racist obstructionists.

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