

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Just when I didn't think our pathetic piece of dog squeeze of a president, Barack Hussein Obama, could sink any lower, by golly, he goes right out there and proves me to be dead wrong. But ya know, I guess I really shouldn't be all that surprised. I mean, here we have a guy who has even less class than any of those bimbos, on any of the far too many "The Housewives of" shows, and is a congenital liar to boot. His most recent idiotic statement has to do with his now saying that the Republican jobs proposal, released last week, would mean “dirtier air, dirtier water, less people with health insurance.” “The Republican plan says that what’s been standing in the way between us and full employment are laws that keep companies from polluting as much as they want,” Barry said in a speech at the regional airport in Asheville, N.C., on Monday. “On the other hand, our plan [Obama’s plan] puts teachers, construction workers, firefighters and police officers back on the job.” “My plan says we’re going to put teachers back in the classroom, construction workers back to work rebuilding America, rebuilding our schools, tax cuts for small businesses, tax cuts for hiring veterans, tax cuts if you give your worker a raise,” said Barry. “That’s my plan. Then you’ve got their plan, which is, let’s have dirtier air, dirtier water, less people with health insurance. So far at least, I feel better about my plan.” What a load of pure, unadulterated CRAP! Just how stupid does he think we are? It's all like some spectacularly un-funny SNL skit.

A fact that Barry always conveniently omits is that his $447-billion boondoggle, the "American Jobs Act," couldn't even be successfully navigated through the Senate last week because not enough DEMOCRATS were on board with it. A Senate, I feel compelled to mention, that is controlled by the Democrats, who have a 53-47 majority. So Barry is being more that just a little disingenuous here, or dare I say dishonest, in his placing blame entirely on the Republicans. Barry's proposal, which would largely fund government workers, is essentially nothing more than a second economic "stimulus" plan, the first $820-billion "stimulus" was passed back in 2009 and was, as I'm sure we all recognize, an abysmal failure and resulted in unemployment rising above 9 percent and not falling below 9 percent for the last 32 months. So Barry "Almighty" is now proposing to break up his proposal into separate pieces of legislation, making some condescending, and quite juvenile comment, about how it must be too difficult for the Republicans to understand. Barry appears to be now asking his many brain dead followers to call on Republican lawmakers and ask them to explain why they would vote against certain measures, such as hiring more teachers, police officers and firefighters. To counter Barry's new "stimulus" plan, Senate Republicans, just last week, released what they called the “Real American Jobs Act.” Their proposal calls for a balanced budget amendment, tax reform, repealing Obamacare, medical malpractice reform, repealing the Dodd-Frank financial reform law, increased domestic energy production and regulatory limits on the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Labor Relations Board.

Barry "Almighty" was in North Carolina for the first day of his three-day, taxpayer funded, American Jobs Act bus tour, which, I guess, is also scheduled to make a number of stops in Virginia. These are two traditionally Republican states that Barry "Almighty" was able to carry rather comfortably in the 2008 election, a feat that, at least at the present time, is considered as being more than a little difficult for him to repeat in the 2012 reelection campaign. North Carolina has a 10.4 percent unemployment rate, higher than the national average, while Virginia has a 6.3 percent unemployment rate, doing comparatively well on the national scale, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The national unemployment rate remains permanently affixed over 9 percent. “Our plan says we’re better off if every small business and worker in America gets a tax cut and that’s what’s in my jobs bill,” Barry said. “Their plan says we should go back to the good old days before the financial crisis when Wall Street was writing its own rules. They want to roll back all the reforms that we put into place.” You're damn straight we want to roll back all of these jobs killing "reforms," that Democrats have succeeded in putting into place. After all, look how well they've worked. Since Barry "Almighty" assumed office, 2.4 million Americans jobs have been lost, according to the BLS, with 1.5 million of those jobs lost after Obama signed the first $820-billion stimulus proposal in February 2009. All one has to do to see the fallacy of what Barry is saying, is to look at the stifling results of the policies that he has put into place.

So, let's cut to the chase here, shall we? The basic premise of Barry's ridiculous argument is his idiotic claim that the Republicans, through their desire to roll back smothering regulations, create a balanced budget amendment, create reasonable tax reform, together with the repealing of Obamacare, the implementation of some manner of medical malpractice reform, repealing the Dodd-Frank financial reform law and to increase domestic energy production, actually desire dirtier air, dirtier water, and less people with health insurance. Now I know that there will be a significant number of individuals, possessing less than average intelligence, and found primarily within those who make up Barry's core constituencies, for whom this idiocy will make a great amount of sense making it a pretty easy sell for him. And it goes without saying that he will have no shortage of very willing allies when it comes to the spreading of such insane accusations. But are there really enough morons in this country, as a whole, who will buy into this sophomoric level of rhetoric which is strikingly similar to grade school name calling? Does this make any sense to anyone with even an ounce of brain power? For Barry to have now sunk to making such idiotic accusations, I think essentially equates to him now having nothing more than a temper tantrum. What he is essentially saying here is, "Pass my jobs bill, right now, or I'll have my dad beat up your dad." Is he not the least presidential of any president that we have seen in quite some time? And why is it that these infantile individuals are always Democrats?

1 comment:

  1. And the Resident and his ilk want as many people as possible crammed into roach-infested inner cities and be willing to drink kool aid for him.

    Wonder how the Resident would like it if this were said in a public speech. He really is a sad, pathetic little man.
