

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


House Democratic Whip Steny "The Dip Wad" Hoyer (D-Md.) has now come out and said, rather emphatically, that, by golly, that the new $447-billion jobs bill proposed by Barry "Almighty" must, yes he said MUST, include new stimulus spending in order to make it acceptable to congressional Democrats. Well whooptee-freakin-doo, there Steny! So unless Republicans make sure that it's "acceptable" to old Steny and his gang of malcontents, it gonna be a no go! Well, well, well, now whose being the obstructionists with they're already making idiotic demands? This is nothing than but quite simply just more of the same "my way or the highway" mentality that we continue to see coming from these belligerent Democrats. Anyway, it was at something called Steny's little pen and pad briefing with reporters on Capitol Hill on Tuesday, that a journalist asked Steny: "Will Democrats accept -- basically Leader Cantor told us yesterday he doesn't, he and House Republicans can't accept most of the stimulus spending, so he's more looking at reforms in the tax packages that the president has proposed. Do you think that if at the end of the day that is what Congress can pass, is that acceptable to you and to the House Democrats?"

And old Hoyer said, "no," and then blathered on about, “the fact is that Republicans continue to focus on their tax [cut] proposals; I don’t think they’ve changed since 1981, when I came to Congress.” Adding that, “We know that they [Republicans] support tax cuts, but if that’s the only thing they will support, that’s not going to get us to where we need to be, and that I think is demonstrably true based on the 2000s,” Hoyer said, I suppose, referring to the two recessions that occurred in that decade. Once again old Steny is busy attempting to rewrite history. It is a fact, whether guys Steny likes to admit it or not, that every time taxes are significantly cut, revenues to the government dramatically increase, but these scumbag Democrats like Hoyer just can't bring themselves to do it. Hoyer also said there would be no possibility to “move forward” unless Republicans in the House and Senate reconsider their opposition to tax increases. Barry plans to call for a host of new taxes in the coming days, as he continues to give speech and speech in his attempt to try to sell his "jobs plan" to a doubtful public. So once again, compromise comes down to this, that unless the Republicans completely capitulate, the Democrats will simply stonewall.

Another reporter asked old Steny: "On the jobs package, the president wants to pay for it with tax increases. Republicans say no to tax increases. So how do you move forward?" Hoyer answered, “We’re not going to move forward if both sides are stuck in the cement. I’ll tell you that, privately, many, many Republicans that I’ve talked to understand that you can’t get there from here without revenues.” He went on to say, “If one side says, ‘we’re not going to cooperate, we’re not going to move,’ then that’ll have to be decided by the American people in 2012,” he said. Well which side is it that's already saying that they're not going to cooperate? Sounds to me like it's our buddy Hoyer and his crowd of Democrat spendthrifts. Hoyer also said that politics should not motivate Congress in its goal to reverse the historic trend in unemployment and the weak economic growth. “If politics is the motivating factor in the minds of the members of the Senate and the House, America will not be well served,” said Hoyer. “That’s what the president said in his speech. That’s what I believe. It is a time to rise above politics for the purpose of getting our country on the right track.” Is that funny or what, a Democrat talking about politics being the motivating factor and rising above politics. What a hypocritical piece of dog squeeze this guy is.

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