

Monday, September 12, 2011


Like modern day practitioners of the age-old science of alchemy, we have, today, further evidence of the bizarre Democrat practice of, instead of trying to turn lead into gold, attempting to turn blatant lies into believable truths. As proof that this little theory exists, the theory that if you repeat a lie often enough and loud enough the public will eventually come to believe it as fact, we have the drivel being spewed by the current Chair of the Democratic National Committee, and moron extraodinaire, Debbie Wasserman Schultz. This time around the lie that this hypocrite is so desperate for the American people to believe is regarding the fact that public pensions have not dragged down state budgets, and the "mantra that the Recovery (stimulus) Act did not work is such baloney." Is this bimbo a rocket scientist or what? I’m going with, or what!

Yet another imbecilic Democrat from here in Florida, joining the likes of Bill Nelson and Corrine Brown, it was during her latest rant where she was plugging Barry “Almighty's” self-described “jobs plan” on Fox News. Ms. Schultz said the plan would be paid for by "closing corporate loopholes," bringing jobs back to the U.S., and by raising taxes on the "wealthy and more fortunate." Any just how many times have we heard that? Can there still be that many loopholes left? "At the end of the day, we have to make sure that we don't continue to deepen our problems by laying off more teachers, firefighters and police officers. We have to make sure we put construction workers back to work like the American Jobs Plan would do by investing in the infrastructure we need, and we have to make sure that this is paid for by folks who are not paying their fair share now, making sure that the wealthy and more fortunate step up to the plate, and that's how we're going to get this done.”

Again talk about those “shovel ready” projects that last time proved to be not as “shovel ready” as the Barry economic brain trust made them out to be. And again talk about all of those folks who simply are not paying their fair share. To me, that would be the folks who are living off of the rest of us, enjoying the benefits of living in this still great country, and paying a freakin dime. The sit back and sponge off the rest of us. Just how fair is that, there, Debbie? What entitles these parasites the privilege of living off the rest of and contribute absolutely nothing to society? How about we ask them to step up to the plate. Hey, I’m not asking for much, just enough to provide to them a little ownership and thus a stake in the outcome here. Is that really too much to ask? I don’t think so, you psychopathic airhead! And I’m sorry, but I’ve very little sympathy for the teachers, police officers and firefighters to which Ms Shultz refers. It’s the unions representing these groups, with very little outcry from coming the respective memberships, that are driving us toward bankruptcy at an ever-increasing speed.

Schultz continues making the idiotic claim that the Democrats' $787 billion Recovery Act can be credited with "creating 3.6 million jobs in this country, and it made sure that we didn't have tens of thousands of teachers, firefighters and police officers and other first responders laid off -- left twisting in the wind.” Does anyone with an IQ above 12 really believe this crap? Really? Ms. Shultz goes on to say, "It made sure that we had an infusion into the economy which at the time was spiraling downward, bleeding 750,000 jobs a month, and now we've had 18 straight months of private sector job growth, so there's just no way -- I mean, you can repeat it over and over -- but to say that the Recovery Act didn't work is simply false." Hey Debbie, wake up and smell the coffee! Since Barry first slipped into the Oval Office we’ve lost more than 2 million jobs! Because of Barry, we have the lowest level of actual employment, 58.1% of population is now working, and that is lowest since 1983. And also we have the highest level of long-term unemployment, 49.9% of total, which is the highest since the 1930s. What about this don’t you and your buddy Barry get?

And then we have Christina Romer, who formerly chaired the White House Council of Economic Advisers, who made that Nostradamus-like prediction that the stimulus package she helped create would prevent unemployment rates from rising above 8 percent. Whoops, that didn't quite happen. In the two years since the first stimulus package passed the unemployment rate has climbed, reaching 10.2 percent at its peak and more recently hovering in the 9.1 percent range. But that really isn’t and accurate portrayal of or current unemployment problem, that’s more like wishful thinking. The very said fact of the matter is that our actual unemployment rate is over 16 percent. And still this moron Schultz defends a president that has done more harm during his tenure than even the most adamant adversary could have possibly imagined. He has to go. And at our current rate of free fall, We may not make it to 2012. We need to do all that we can to hang on long enough to rid ourselves of this albatross around our neck. Ridding ourselves of Barry must be our top priority!


  1. Very well written, Dan. This woman gives me heart-burn every time she comes on the tube ... er, I mean flat-screen. The blatant lies that are now accepted as truths are proof that a good hunk of the U.S. population don't use the brains they were born with in order to question and suspect that perhaps, professional politicians are what they are -- boobs seeking job security at the expense of the voting/tax-paying populace.

  2. Demagoguery beats data, Dan. (Where have I head that before and where have I heard it iterated?)

    One slick political trick is to champion increased taxes on "the evil rich" (Sorry for the redundancy), then pass waivers for the "fat cats" who contribute to your campaigns. Having done that, you now rail against "loopholes" and "breaks" for corporations, that despite corporations not being tax payers, but rather mere tax collectors (from customers as part of price) and transmitters (to government's greedy hands). There's also the one-hand-washes-the-other-quid-pro-quo-money-laundering scheme among Democrat politicians and school boards and teachers and teachers' unions and Democrat politicians.
