

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


In what has to be one of the more revealing things that I've yet heard come from Barry "Almighty" was his recent statement regarding how it is that higher taxes somehow enhance the prospects of achieving a "modern industrial economy." Apparently, that is the impression under which he operates with the premise being, that if taxes consumed less of America's wealth, as he says some Republicans would like, it would not be possible to have a “modern industrial economy.” At least that's what he said during a town hall event in Mountain View, California as recently as Monday. Barry went on to say that, “Right now, we’ve got the lowest tax rates we’ve had since the 1950s." “And some of the Republican proposals would take it back, as a percentage of GDP, back to where we were back in the 1920s,” he added. “You can’t have a modern industrial economy like that.” Have you ever heard a more idiotic justification for the raising of your taxes? It appears that Barry will leave no stone unturned in his attempts to justify the stealing of even more of Americans' hard earned money in his continuing effort to feed the government coffers. All so that he can then, like a modern day "Robbing Hood," turn around and shower upon his most favored demographic all manner of taxpayer subsidized goodies. This whole notion that its higher taxes that somehow make a "modern industrial economy" possible has no basis whatsoever in fact. But when has Barry ever let a little thing like facts get in the way of his desire to "fundamentally transform" this country?

Michael Tanner, who happens to be a senior fellow at the libertarian CATO Institute, said he could not see why Barry made the comparison with the situation in the 1950s, as the economy was doing well back then. “He seems to be of the belief that economic growth comes from the government and therefore the government has to take more money to put it into economic growth and not leave it in the private sector,” he said in a recent interview. Tanner said Barry was correct to say that tax revenue as a percentage of gross domestic product was lower than in the past. However, he pointed out that the Congressional Budget Office projects it to be higher than average by the end of the decade. Also, government spending is 25 percent, much higher than in the 1990s, when it was about 18 percent. Mr. Tanner said, “If you look at it as a percentage of the economy that is being taken in taxes, we are at a low point right now, largely because of the recession." Adding, “CBO predicts we will be up well above the historic average by the end of the decade. Historically we take in a little over 18 percent. CBO says it will be around 20 percent by the end of the decade.” So once again, when things are put into their proper perspective the outright dishonesty of Barry's claim becomes all the more transparent. All the more reason that more than 60 percent of Americans now disapprove of how Barry is handling the economy. Although, I'm sure that it probably makes pretty good sense to those who think he's doing a bang up job.

During Monday’s little forum, Barry said, and with a touch of disdain in his voice, that even in the tough economic times, the wealthy have done disproportionately better than the middle class. “The income of folks at the top has gone up exponentially over the last couple of decades, whereas the incomes and wages of the middle class have flat lined over the last 15 years,” he said. Barry has proposed a $1.5 trillion tax increase to both pay for his jobs plan and reduce the federal deficit. He told the California audience in attendance that the proposed increase was not designed to punish success. “We’re not talking about going to punitive rates that would somehow inhibit you from wanting to be part of a startup or work hard to be successful,” Barry said. “We’re talking about going back to the rates that existed as recently as in the 90s, when as I recall Silicon Valley was doing pretty good and well-to-do people were doing pretty well. And it turns out in fact that, during that period, the rich got richer. The middle class expanded,” he continued. “People rose out of poverty because everybody was doing well. So this is not an issue of, do we somehow try to punish those who’ve done well. That’s the last thing we want to do. It’s a question of how can we afford to continue to make the investments that are going to propel America forward.” Investments? By the time Barry gets done, what are Americans going to have left to invest? Oh, wait a minute, I get it now. He takes the money from us so that the government can then "invest" it in such things as car companies and all of those "green" companies creating all of those new "green" jobs.

Look, I think most of us realize that no matter how hard Barry may try to convince us that his plan to raise our taxes is actually for our own benefit, the plain truth is that this desire of his to steal even more money does nothing to create even a single job. In fact, it serves to lessen, even further, the prospects of any, real, long term job creation taking place. So that leaves only one other reason for his drive to raise taxes. And as hard as he, and his many minions, may try to deny the fact that what is being perpetrated here is something that is purely punitive in nature and designed for the specific purpose of redistributing wealth, that is, in fact, exactly what's going on here. It is the central theme regarding where it is that Barry wishes to drag this country. What this is very clearly all about is the perpetuating of an leftist agenda that revolves around Barry's central strategy, which is to incite, and to the greatest extent possible, an elavated level of class warfare. And this latest cockamamie ploy of his, with him saying that higher taxes is what somehow makes possible a “modern industrial economy," is nothing more than a bunch of leftist nonsense. And anyone who falls for this pathetic little ploy, which no doubt many of his more adoring supporters will do, is a certified imbecile who will believe just about anything. Barry is very good at coming up with new and ever more inventive ways to acquire more of our money, money which he claims to be able to put to much better use than I ever could. But this latest ploy of his seems to be more than a bit of a reach.

1 comment:

  1. And where are we, Dan, on the famed "misery index"? The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
