

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


With nearly 3 out of 4 voters now of the opinion that the country is headed in the wrong direction, at least according to some recent polling, there could be trouble a brewing in that utopian paradise not so fondly referred to as, Obamaville. And apparently, Barry "Almighty" is now becoming increasingly vulnerable to many of his Republican challengers, at least according to a new Politico/George Washington University Battleground Poll. But we still have that 1 out of 4 voters who happen to think that everything is just hunky-doree. Anybody wanna wager what segment of the population that might be? Enough said about that though. Besides, I think the answer to that question is painfully obvious. I must say though, that I do think it a tragedy when the only basis on which one decides for whom who to vote is the candidate's race, because in the end you do both yourself and the country a grave disservice. But hey, it's those folks who very rarely ever see the bigger picture anyway.

Anyway, you would think that the demand for us to now embark on a new direction would put even more onus on Barry’s jobs speech set for Thursday night set before a joint session of Congress. However, the odds against him are mounting, with the poll finding that 50 percent disapprove of his job performance and just 45 percent approve, which is a seven-point drop since May. Only 39 percent now approve of his economic acumen, with 59 percent dissing it. And why not? He refuses to do anything that would actually create employment opportunities, choosing instead to cater to his union cronies. You know, the ones who have now declared open "war" on the Tea Party. But hey, Barry still has many tools in toolbox which he can use to stave off a potential defeat in 2012. He has rampant voter fraud, the tactical use of voter intimidation, his "army" of union goons, he has a media that has been severely corrupted and any number of other weapons at his disposal. So he can't be counted out just yet.

The poll’s recent finding that 72 percent of voters now believe that the country is headed in the wrong direction either strongly or somewhat represents a 12-point leap since May. Only 20 percent of voters say the country is going in the right direction, a 12-point drop in the same period. Again, what segment of our population is that most likely makes up most of all of that 20 percent? I'm not sure exactly how it is that you can look around you and come to the conclusion that with millions of Americans out of work, millions more on food stamps and the economy doing nothing more than essentially moving backwards, that the country is moving in the right direction. I can only assume that this 20 percent must be living in some weird alternate universe, I just don't see any other explanation. If they can honestly look at things today and say we're moving I the right direction, then they must be able to look back on the "Great Depression" as being the most productive period in our history.

“The sudden shift in attitudes reflects the deepening sense in Washington that Barry may be increasingly vulnerable as the Republican presidential primary campaign ramps up this month with three debates in the next three weeks,” at least that how Politico sees things. On the other hand, almost 75 percent said they still like the president as a person. I just don't understand how it is that anyone can bring themselves to actually like someone, as a person, who habitually lies to them. Personally, I detest liars, therefore I detest Barry. And another thing, what does it say about those very people who say that they like Barry as a person? Is this the type of behavior that they are somehow used to? That when someone repeatedly lies to you, it's no big deal? And how can you bring yourself to trust someone who lies to you about everything. How can you possibly like someone that you can't trust? Don't the two kinda go hand in hand? Maybe it's me, maybe I'm the one that's wrong. Ya think?

Similar to other national surveys regarding potential Republican candidates, the Battleground Poll has Texas Gov. Rick Perry on top of the GOP presidential pack, with 36 percent tapping him as their choice. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney was second with 17 percent; followed by Rep. Michele Bachmann at 10 percent; Rep. Ron Paul at 10 percent; former Sen. Rick Santorum, 5 percent; and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, 5 percent. Businessman Herman Cain had 4 percent, and former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, 1 percent. As far as I'm concerned it's gotten to the point where it's anyone but Obama. Honestly and with all kidding aside, I thinks it's now between Perry and Romney with me leaning more so toward Perry. I was a Romney supporter before Perry joined the race and if our candidate turns out to be Romney I'll no trouble supporting him. I think the issue of "Romneycare" has become a bit overblown. We need to keep this a two party race.

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