

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Unhappy members of that brain trust commonly referred to as the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) “probably would be marching on the White House” if Obama were not president, at least that's the opinion of the CBC Chairman Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.). "If [former President] Bill Clinton had been in the White House and had failed to address this problem, we probably would be marching on the White House," Cleaver told “The Miami Herald” in comments published Sunday. "There is a less-volatile reaction in the CBC because nobody wants to do anything that would empower the people who hate the president." Hey Emanuel, how about we empower those folks who are on the receiving end of his economy killing policies? Have you taken a glance at the unemployment numbers for black males recently? Supporting the agenda of those Tea Party folks might actually be the only hope you guys have to actually improve things for those you claim to represent. But hey, I think we all know that this little group is less interested in genuinely assisting folks in that black community than it is in working to accumulate more political power for themselves.

This rather odd assortment of unique characters who comprise the CBC have expressed, on and number of occasions, especially in more recent months, their deep concern as the unemployment rate for black Americans has continued to rise. "We're supportive of the president, but we're getting tired, y'all," Rep. Maxine "I ain't got the brains of an ice cube" Waters (D-Calif) said in August. "We want to give [Obama] every opportunity, but our people are hurting. The unemployment is unconscionable. We don't know what that the strategy is." Well, the answer to they're not know what the strategy is really quite simply. There is no strategy. Because the president does have any more concern for black American than does this band of merry misfits, the CBC. And as a member of Congress, is Ms Water the least bit concerned about the plight of all Americans who now find themselves within the ranks of the unemployed, or just those black Americans. And if she was being honest with herself, she along with every other Democrat in Congress, should be willing to accept much of the blame here, as they were major players in bringing about our current economic situation as well as continuing to make it worse.

But instead of accepting any responsibility for what has, and continues to take place in this country, or expressing any interest in potentially altering our present direction, economically speaking, the plans of the CBC seem to revolve around a strange practice of, rather than targeting Barry's failed leadership, or their own glaring deficiencies, aggressively targeting those who they see as being their main opposition. So now many CBC members have taken it upon themselves to take aim squarely at the Tea Party movement, with us seeing many instances of "Tea Party derangement syndrome" over the summer's congressional recess. With these folks who are now in desperate need of a scapegoat, the Tea Party comes along at a most opportune time. Ms. "Dim Bulb" Waters said in a public meeting in her district that the Tea Party "can go straight to hell." And yet another brilliant and most eloquent member of this rather bizarre little clique, Frederica Wilson, a Democrat from Florida, called the Tea Party the "real enemy" seeking to hold the Congress "hostage." Ah, with such luminaries as these two morons, it's no wonder the black community is in the shape that it is. It doesn't take a genius to recognize how the big government policies advocated by members of the CBC have decimated the black community.

Rep. Allen West, from here in Florida, is the only Republican member of the CBC and is also a member of the Tea Party Caucus. When some of these idiotic comment came to light he objected quite strongly to the hostile language used by CBC members in they're targeting of the Tea Party movement and he went so far as to threaten to leave the caucus unless Cleaver condemned remarks made by other members. In particular, West singled out the comments that were made by that very enlightened individual, Rep. Andre Carson, Democrat from Indiana, and who happens to be in a leadership position as the CBC's whip, and who made particularly incendiary remarks when he said that Tea Party affiliated members of Congress see African-Americans as "second-class citizens" and would be happy to see them "hanging from a tree." I seem to remember hearing something, I think it may have from Barry "Almighty" if I remember correctly, about improving public discourse and increasing the level of civility. I can only guess that these folks in the CBC didn't get the memo. Or if they did, it most likely promptly went into the nearest shredder. For these CBC members to resort to calling people who desire nothing more than smaller, less intrusive government, such vicious names is despicable and inexcusable.

Anyway, Cleaver was able to persuade West to remain a member of the caucus, with West indicating later that one reason he chose to stay was that the CBC membership needed at least one conservative member. "I will not be resigning for the Congressional Black Caucus," West wrote on his Facebook following a meeting with Cleaver at the beginning of September. "Cowards run from challenges, while warriors run to the sound of battle." According to West, he is working with Cleaver to produce a plan to confront the rate of unemployment among black Americans, which 16.7 is slightly higher than the national rate of 16.2. Cleaver acknowledged that some of the things members of his caucus say might not be in the best interests of the "aggressive agenda" he said he is seeking to develop as chairman. Gee, yaw think. Cleaver went on to say that, "Maxine Waters represents central Los Angeles first and she has to represent her constituents and she's going to say things in order to represent them." That doesn't say much for what the level of intelligence possessed by her constituents. But the neither does the fact that they keep sending her back to Congress.

As these clowns have continued in there attacks of the Tea Party they make it pretty obvious where it is that their true allegiance lies. And it most certainly is not with those whom they profess so energetically to represent. Those fools are only there to be taken full advantage of so that these stellar CBC members can continue in their positions on high there in Congress and enjoy their delusions of grandeur. These folks who are so obviously legends in their own minds that they have now morphed into ridiculous caricatures of their former selves. They're so enthralled with the sounds of their own voices that it's difficult to get them to shut up. And it continues to be so very plain that they give very little thought to what they say, to the point where they simply open their mouths and stupid comes out. How anyone, especially those in the black community, can keep taking these clowns seriously is amazing. I mean, how many times will they be allowed to throw the black community under the bus before those being thrown actually rise up? What have these people done for the black family, or to actually support a sense of self-reliance and self-respect in the black community that would reap untold benefits. Instead they preach victimization and hate because it better suits their political purposes and aspirations.

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