

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


We're all aware of the fact the Barry "Almighty" has been busily traversing the country trying his damnedest to sell his jobs plan redeux to skeptical voters, but on Monday "Our Dear Beloved" leader took things a step further, attempting a rather unique and much more direct route. What he did was to tell a room full of black members of the state controlled media to be sure to “pump this up” to their readers. Now really, what kind of a perverted tactic is that? Suppose we had a white president, who sequestered a room of white journalists in an attempt to convince them to portray some certain policy in a more favorable light? This just goes to show you how bastardized the "mainstream" media has become.

According to Politico, Barry made a “surprise appearance” at a White House question-and-answer session aimed specifically at the administration’s policies and their effect on the black community. The White House listed several black news organizations that were in attendance, including News One, Hello Beautiful, Black Planet, The Urban Daily and Grio. “I want you guys to pump this up,” Barry said, prompting a few laughs from the crowd. “No, look, we are in a critical juncture here. I’ve been fighting for two-and-a-half years to get through this economic storm, and we have stabilized…but the unemployment rate is still too high, and too many people are still hurting.” What a con job!

So I guess I'm more than just a little curious here regarding where it is that the priorities of these "black journalists" might actually lie. It is their responsibility to get the truth out no matter how it may impact this president, or is it to "color" the information that they put out in an effort to create a more positive impression of a very seriously flawed proposal? In chosing to do the latter, they only serve to reduce themselves further, becoming even more propagandist in nature then they already are. There already are very few people today who actually trust what they hear from the media, whether they hear it from someone who is white or someone who is black.

Barry predicted there would be “enormous resistance” to his proposal and said the voices of the American people need to be heard for it to pass. Now is he talking about all of the American people or just those who happen to be black. “I need people to be out there promoting this and pushing this and making sure that everyone understands the details of what this would mean,” Barry said. Politico reported that after Barry left, White House adviser Valerie "President of the local chapter of the Mao fan club" Jarrett said, “When the president heard we were here, [he said this was] another important audience for me to deliver my message to.

This guy is probably the least presidential of any man who has held the office in my lifestime. Personally, I think he's sleazier than even "BJ" Clinton was. To attempt, so blatantly, to influence how members of the media should portray a certain policy, at best shows the level desperation to which this president has now sunk, or at worst reveals a rather devious and sinister mentality in that he thinks this kind of behavior is acceptable for a man in his position. He needs to be reminded that this ain't Chicago. This cannot be tolerated by the Amercian people regardless of skin color. But I'm fairly confident that it will be seen as being no big deal not only by these black "journalists," but by blacks in general. And that's very unfortunate.

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