

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


If we have learned anything about our illustrious president, Barack Hussein Obama, over the course of the last nearly three years, it is that he is nothing if not the consummate liar and dishonest to his core. I picture him standing in front a mirror working on hoaning his deception skills to be used later on the unsuspecting American people while reading his prepared text from his ever-present teleprompter. "Middle-class families shouldn't pay higher taxes than millionaires and billionaires. That's pretty straightforward." That's what our old buddy Barry recently said in a White House speech, the topic of which was, of course, deficit reduction. It was even more straightforward than he seemed to think, because not only should middle-class families pay less than millionaires and billionaires, but the fact of the matter is that they already do pay less. Much less. So what might old Barry "Almighty" be up to here? It's so sad really, that every time we hear our president speak, we just automatically assume that he's lying to us. And what's even sadder is that more often than not, he is lying to us. He does so in his attempt to convince us to go along with him as he busies himself destroying our country right under our very noses. Many of us seem none the wiser regarding these goings on. We watch Barry as Barry tells us how, in the name of fairness, he's going to stick it to those "rich fat cats" who resist paying their fair share. And then we go, "Ya, stick it those rich SOBs." We fail to understand that after he's through with them, we're all next on his little hit parade.

Anyway, as Barry presented his grand illusion regarding he proposes to "fix" things, at the same time he also tried, as best he could, to blunt what he correctly anticipated would be some very vocal criticism of his remarks with a parenthetical: "This is not class warfare. It's math." But a funny thing happened, funny strange, not funny ha-ha, in that the actual math to which Barry so confidently referred, tells a very different story than the one he wishes us to believe. For example, back in 2009, roughly 237,000 individual income tax filers reported adjusted gross income of $1 million or more. Now taken together, these filers, which included both families and small businesses, made a grand total of $722 billion, and in turn paid $178 billion of that in income taxes. Their effective federal income tax rate was 24.6 percent, between three and four times the effective rate on middle-income families that pull in $50,000 to $75,000 per year. So, it becomes pretty obvious, pretty quickly, that Barry's "Buffett Rule" is nothing but more of his specialty, that being nothing but smoke and mirrors, as well as lies and deceit. And people continue to fall for it. Everybody thinks those mean old rich people just aren't paying their fair share, Damn it! So Barry can proclaim until the cows come home that this isn't just another attempt at class warfare, but unfortunately for him, that's exactly what it is.

This million-plus crowd, who comprise less than 0.2 percent of all taxpayers, made 10.6 percent of all income in 2009 and yet paid 20.5 percent of all individual income taxes. To be sure, the wealthy can and should pay more in taxes than the poor. The point here is that they already do pay more, a lot more. Because as it stands right now, the so-called poor, don't pay any taxes. So when we discuss tax increases on the wealthy, we aren't really talking about whether we should be letting "millionaires and billionaires" slide on their obligations to society. We are really talking about how disproportionately large their share of the tax burden has to become with corrupt liberals, like Barry, being the ones to decide what's "fair." For Barry, the answer to that question is based entirely on what politicians decide to spend. "The rich," and that essentially means everyone making over $200,000 per year, but could extend well below that figure, will always be failing to pull their weight until they are covering the spread between what government takes in and what irresponsible politicians dish out. So while millions enjoy a free ride, the picking up of the cost of that free ride is left to an ever shrinking number of taxpayers who are being forced to hand over to the government more and more of their hard earned money. Where does it stop? I know where Barry would like it to stop, and that would be at the point where, in the name of "fairness," the government simply confiscates every dime that all of us, who still have jobs, are able to make.

Unfortunately, America's top earners can never hope to keep up with politicians like Barry, who recently, and very proudly so, proposed an additional $447 billion in deficit spending. In 2009, the earners our buddy Barry is now so enthusiastically targeting had only $1.5 trillion in income after paying their federal income taxes and before paying taxes to states and municipalities. Were Barry to seize every dime of that money, which no doubt he would just love to do, it would just barely cover the $1.3 trillion deficit he just ran in the fiscal year that ends next week. And of course, even a smaller seizure would have a crushing effect on the jobs that these earners create directly through their small businesses or indirectly through their investments. When looking back at that Barry has done thus far, and what he has made clear still wishes to do, how can anyone come to the conclusion that he is attempting to do anything other than to manufacture a complete economic and financial collapse. Is there an actual economist anywhere out there, and not that clown Krugman from the New York Times, who can look at what is being done here and say, with any degree of confidence, that, yes, what Barry is doing will in fact improve our economnic environment? From my untrained prespective, doing more digging after Barry has already dug us into a very deep hole, is not the solution we need.

In what was clearly nothing more than a very tranparent attempt to deceive and to make his tax increase more palatable, Barry referred to it as "tax reform." But the term "tax reform," llike his term "increasing revenue," was never meant as a euphemism for tax increases. Actual tax reform is needed because lobbyists have successfully bastardized the system, inserting hundreds of incentives into the tax code that lead individuals and corporations to engage in economy-stunting and otherwise irrational behavior. Tax reform is needed because 58 percent of American tax filers (81 million) had to use paid preparers to do their individual income taxes in 2008, and 75 million had to consult the IRS itself. If Barry was truly serious about tax reform, he would present a reform plan that isn't just another tax increase in disguise. And if he was at all serious about reducing the deficit, he would at least avoid presenting his tax hikes alongside massive new deficit-spending proposals. But we known with some degree of certainty that that is not something that will be happening as long as, one, Barry is in the White house, and, two, as long as the Democrats are able to maintain control of one of both houses of Congress. Barry needs to be sent packing, and we need to flush every Democrat down into the sewer where they belong and where they seem to be the most happy.

One small fact that I am going to continue to harp on, is the fact that there are in this country, people who essentially make up roughly 50 percent of our popualtion, who pay absolutely no income taxes. In fact, the tax code, as it is presently constructed, turns out to be a rather profitable little enterprise for these people. Because while put no money into the system, they are very often the recipients of some, what can only be described as being, rather excessive "refunds," that's a pretty good return with what is essnetially no investment being made. That's almost as good as some Hillary Clinton's investments. I've never quite figured out how it is that someone could get a tax very substantial refund after having paid zero taxes. I really get tired of seeing society's parasites paying in nothing and yet receiving outrageous amounts from the government which they then proceed to spend on booze, cigarettes or that flat screen television they've been wanting. Meanwhile I'm left owing the government even after paying what I consider to be much more than my "fair share" based on the amount of money that my wife and I make. And we are not "rich" by any stretch of the imagination. The system is very badly broken, but Barry's idea of "tax reform" is nothing but an oxymoron.

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