

Thursday, September 8, 2011


With millions of Americans now out of work, with little hope of finding employment, and out of patience as well, Barry "Almighty" will be going before a rather skeptical Congress to pitch, likely to sound like something that most of us have all heard before. And yet this new and improved "economic plan" is claimed to just what the doctor ordered regarding the creating jobs so urgently needed while it is also meant to create the impression that the Republicans are more to blame for the problem than is Barry. Barry's underlying political strategy here is to create the perception that if he is unable to get his ideas passed heading into his re-election year, that it is not he who should take the fall, but those who insist on blocking his proposals. In his speech tonight what we're likely to see is nothing more than blatant finger pointing as Barry is likely to offer up nothing new and is only more of the same, this time around coming in the form of at least a $300 billion package of proposals that Barry will claim will have a positive effect for people in their daily lives. Proposals said to include tax relief, unemployment insurance, spending to support construction jobs and aid to states to keep people in their jobs. Businesses would get their own tax breaks. And he will promise a long-term plan to pay for it all. And we all know how well he keeps his promises.

Yet the fate of Barry's plan may ultimately will rest in the hands of the Republican-controlled House which, I think it very safe to say, has a rather different economic approach and no political incentive to help a very "progressive" Democrat seeking a second term. So, however cooperative his tone may be, Barry's intent here is quite different, because he has as his sole goal for the evening to put Republicans on the spot and to essentially get in their face, so to speak, and in their chamber. Typical Chicago thug-style politics. That is the "only" reason why Barry was so adamant about choosing this most prominent venue, a joint session of Congress, a setting better known for his yearly State of the Union address. While the choice helps give him command of the stage, it also lifts expectations for a breakthrough moment, when the reality is that any sustained job growth will take many months, if not years. And that would be, of course, thanks to the economy killing policies that Barry has thus far been able to put into place. This televised charade early this evening is an attmept to deflect away from himself any blame for our continuing malaise, and toward the opposition party. He will try to cast himself as the adult in the room doing all he can to get people back to work, when it's just the opposite that is true.

Barry is expected to speak for up to 45 minutes, (yawn) beginning at 7 p.m. EDT tonight. Before Barry even says a word, the political and economic reality of the situation does cause two questions to be asked: Will any of his ideas get approved, and will they actually work? When asked about some of the ideas Barry is expected to present, majorities of Republicans, Democrats and independents were all very skeptical that any of the proposals Barry is likely to make, would do anything to actually create jobs. That coming from a Pew Research Center poll that came out on Wednesday. A series of new polls by major "news" organizations finds that the mood of the country is downright dismal about the direction in which the country is currently headed, with Barry's standing and approval on the economy at or near the lowest levels of his presidency. Accordingly, Barry's allies have now shifted into crisis mode with them now out blaming everybody but Barry for our current economic situation and our stubbornly high unemployment. But the accusations have a tendency to ring more than just a little hollow, because what has really gotten us to this point are the policies of this president and the Democats who had complete control of Congress during the first two years of his reign.

Having said that, however, voters, at least according to these polls, appear to be holding all leaders accountable, supporting the White House's point that Congress is under pressure to act, too. And in what I find quite amazing, is the fact that an Associated Press-GfK poll found that more people assign chief blame for the economy to former President George W. Bush and congressional Republicans and Democrats than to Barry. Bush has been gone now for nearly 3 years and the Republicans have controlled only one house of Congress since January of this year, so to me, this whole notion defies logic. The actual fact of the matter is that it was Barry, assisted by "Dingy" Harry and Nancy "Ms. Botox" Pelosi who should be considered as being primarily responsible for getting us into our present precarious situation here. So if this poll proves anything it's that even though it is loosing viewers,as well as readers, the state controlled media, which has essentially now morphed into and entity that is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party, still holds considerable sway over how it is that the public views our continuing economic woes. A public of which, apparently, it cannot be said is too terribly bright.

Democrats familiar with the president's plan say that the White House sees the speech as a pivot point after spending the spring and summer focused on negotiations over deficit spending. They say the fall offers the president a window of opportunity to press congressional Republicans to act on his economic plan, and if they don't, Barry will spend 2012 running against them and accusing them of being nothing more than obstructionists. Whether that's enough to win over voters is another matter altogether. You never really know because so many voters seem to be completely clueless about the actual facts of the matter and as so remain easily swayed by a "news" media that has been so severely corrupted. What they are going to have to recognize here is that this entire scenario is nothing but one more example where we have our stellar "community agitator" of a president, presenting a plan that is so very obviously flawed and that he has no idea whether it will actually work. And yet, he has the "audacity" to proclaim that it is to be either his way or the highway. And when he's told, well in that case it'll be the highway, he works to paint the opposition as being to blame for nothing getting done and a worsening of the problem.

Barry's chief campaign strategist, and fellow Chicago thug, David "The Butt Hole" Axelrod, has said that under no circumstances will Barry "Almighty" start with ideas that have been "preapproved" by Republicans in Congress. "Ultimately, the test for any of these ideas: Are they right? Can they help the economy? Can they help get people back to work?" Axelrod told The Associated Press. Well, most likely the answer to any of those questions regarding any plan put forward by Barry, would be a resounding, no. The president's plan to pay for his ideas is a political necessity in a time of fiscal austerity. Deficit-boosting stimulus spending is out. But here, too, he is banking on a lot of help. Barry plans to cover the cost by asking the new congressional super committee debt panel to go beyond its target of finding $1.5 trillion in deficit reduction by the end of November, so the extra savings can then pay for short-term economic help. Now that sounds like a viable plan. Not! Hell, the debt panel meets for the very first time on Thursday (today). Barry's whole plan is based on nothing more than smoke and mirrors. Barry is walking into this thing knowing full well that his plan has no chance whatsoever of achieving any level of measuarable success. But he doesn’t care, because when our economic environment worsens he'll simply blame it on the Republicans and will get as much help as he needs from a very compliant state-controlled media.

At the heart of Barry's supposed plan will be the extending of, by one more year, a payroll tax cut for workers that went into effect this year. The president wants the payroll tax, which raises money for Social Security, to stay at 4.2 percent rather than kick back up to 6.2 percent. That tax applies to earnings up to $106,800. Barry is expected to seek continued unemployment aid for millions of people receiving extended "benefits." That program, too, is set to expire at year's end. Those "benefit" have been extended long enough and now need to expire. Among the other potential proposals that Barry may be presenting are: 1) Tax credits for employers who hire, 2) A major school construction initiative, 3) Aid to local governments to prevent layoffs of teachers and other workers and 4) Other tax help for businesses, such as continuing to allow them to deduct the full value of new equipment. The White House has said little about Barry's speech, including whether he would indicate how many jobs his plan would create. Spokesman Jay "Dim Bulb" Carney said Barry's ideas "will lead to greater and faster job creation in the United States, and those are the two things that Americans across the board are demanding." Right, in his freakin dreams. This president is lock-wired into presenting "ideas" that will succeed in only making things worse. Which is what I still claim, is his primary objective here.

Since Barry took office in January 2009, over 2 million Americans have lost their jobs and countless more million now rely on food stamps or some other government "benefit." More than 25 million people are now out of work. The unemployment rate, which stood at 5 percent at the start of the deep recession and 7.8 percent when Obama began in office, now stands at 9.1 percent, with real unemployment at roughly 16 percent. Most troubling is the trend line. After a period of steady if only slightly modest job creation, employers have stopped hiring. There was no net change in jobs in August, a first since 1945. So where does that leave us. So as Barry readies himself to present yet another grand scheme, I have no intention of watching this televised circus planned for this evening. I didn't need to see the movie Titanic to know that in the end the ship sinks, just as I won't need to watch Barry's speech to know what it is that he will be proposing. His sole intent here is to take the opportunity to scold the Republicans and to attempt to bully them into doing something that they know will not work. Therefore, Barry achieves his main goal of getting more people addicted to government "benefits," while at the same time portraying the Republicans as being the primary stumbling block in getting people back to work. It's a win win for Barry. God this guy sucks!

1 comment:

  1. While your commentary is lively and informative as always, gotta' say, Dan, that I sometimes come by for the pictures.
