

Saturday, September 17, 2011


In a recent article penned for CNN addressing Barry “Almighty”, unabashed Democratic strategist and CNN’s resident raving lunatic, James Carville revealed his true feelings about the Tea Party. And in so doing Carville has not only demonstrated that he has effectively lost whatever semblance of sanity that he may have at one time possessed, but he has also now made it quite clear that there is nothing that he will not do or say in his effort to get Barry re-elected. And by his willingness to do so he also makes very plain, how like every other liberal, the level of hatred that he has for his own country. He also demonstrated the lengths to which he is happy to go in assisting Barry, another America hater, in his efforts to destroy it. Once again the voices of the American people is being drowned out by the ravings of one liberal lunatic after another. And it’s the same old stuff repeated over and over ad nauseam.

In this rant of an article, Carville boldly asserted that Tea Party members harbor some deep-seated blood lust, of a kind so egregious, in fact that they would have orgasmically rejoiced over the deaths at Stalingrad, Carville's words not mine. The “Rajun’ imbecilic Cajun" also lamented the ”clean-air-hating, mortality-fascinated, Wall-Street-protecting Republicans running my country.”  “This may be news to you [Obama] but this is not going well. For precedent, see Russian Army 64th division at Stalingrad. There were enough deaths at Stalingrad to make the entire tea party collectively orgasm,” Carville blasted. Carville's behavior should provide to all a very clear picture of what the Democrat Party of today looks like. His, as scary as it is, is the face of the modern Democrat Party. And it is frightening to think that anyone, at least a grown individual, would spew such vitriolic, incendiary and hate-filled language in his effort to convince people that his candidate is the right candidate.

Strangely, the bizarre tirade appeared in a “letter” that was focused on Barry’s re-election strategy. Apparently for Carville, at least, the smearing of conservatives and Barry’s re-election are now to go hand in hand. His screed continued, “As I watch the Republican debates, I realize that we are on the brink of a crazy person running our nation,” Carville fretted. I think it’s the crazy guy that’s doing the watching. “I sit in front of the television and shudder at the thought of one of these creationism-loving, global-warming-denying, immigration-bashing, Social-Security-cutting, clean-air-hating, mortality-fascinated, Wall-Street-protecting Republicans running my country.” Carville’s brief list of things Barry must do to get re-elected included, “panic,“ ”fire a lot of people,“ and ”indict people.” The only ones demonstrating the traits of someone truly crazy are those on Carville’s very own team. And the desperation that Carville, and others, are now putting on display, and with a growing frequency, is becoming more and more obvious to the American people.

While this level of insane behavior from Carville is nothing new, and I doubt shocks many people, like recent statements by the idiotic mayor of New York, Mike Bloomberg, they are more than a little irresponsible. To purposely attempt to insight people for no other reason than to create some level of chaos is nothing short of the actions of an anarchist. Guys like Carville and Bloomberg want those riots in the streets, mentioned by Mike, to actually take place. In I think it safe to say that they are hoping for them. They thrive on chaos because it helps them advance their twisted and anti-American cause. These are very dangerous people and this most recent outburst of Carville’s should provide to all an advance warning, a warning that radicals like Carville cannot be taken lightly and that they need to soundly defeated. But there is panic in the air on Carville’s side and they see themselves running out of time. Never forget, there is nothing more fierce than a cornered animal. Think of that the next time you see this nut, Carville.

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