

Friday, September 9, 2011


Attacking a deepening jobs crisis, that, by the way, he has played a major role in bringing about through the putting in place of some rather questionable policies, Barry “Almighty” challenged a reluctant Congress Thursday night to urgently pass his larger-than-expected $450 billion plan to, as he described, "jolt an economy that has stalled."  He urged lawmakers to slash Social Security taxes for tens of millions of Americans and for almost every business to encourage hiring. "Stop the political circus," an animated Barry read from his teleprompter to a joint session of Congress in a nationally televised speech. Over and over he implored lawmakers to "pass this jobs bill." In announcing his plan which is described as being heavy on the tax cuts that Republicans traditionally love, Barry sought to achieve multiple goals: offer a plan that could actually get through a deeply divided Congress, speed hiring in a nation where 14 million (actually 26 million) are out of work, shore up public confidence in his, rather limp-wristed, leadership and put Republicans on the spot to take action. Not it should go without saying that Barry never estimated how many jobs would actually be created by his plan, which also includes new federal spending for construction, hiring and an extension of jobless benefits for the long-term unemployed. Despite his promise that it would all be paid for, he was, as usual, more than just a little short on the details regarding exactly how. His message was unmistakable to the point of repetition, as he told Congress more than 15 times in one way or another to act quickly. That was meant as direct challenge by a Democratic president to the Republicans running the House to get behind his plan, especially on tax cuts, or be tarred as standing in the way. So once more, it's his way or the highway. Screw him!

The urgency of the jobs crisis is as pronounced as it's been since the early days of Barry's term when he was handed an unemployment rate of 7.8 percent. Employers added zero jobs last month, which last occurred in 1945. A whopping number of Americans, about eight in 10, think the country is headed in the wrong direction and Barry's approval ratings are on the decline. The newest and boldest element of Obama's plan would cut the Social Security payroll tax both for tens of millions of workers and for employers, too. For individuals, that tax has been shaved from 6.2 percent to 4.2 percent for this year but is to go back up again without action by Congress. Barry wants to deepen the cut to 3.1 percent for workers. Barry's plan would also apply the payroll tax cut to employers, halving their taxes to 3.1 percent on their first $5 million in payroll. Businesses that hire new workers or give raises to those they already employ would get an even bigger benefit: On payroll increases up to $50 million they would pay no Social Security tax. Obama proposed spending to fix schools and roads, hire local teachers and police and extend unemployment benefits. He proposed a tax credit for businesses that hire people out of work for six months or longer, plus other tax relief aimed as snaring bipartisan support in a time of divided government. The White House put the price tag of Obama's plan at $447 billion, with about $253 billion in tax cuts and $194 billion in federal spending.

Under soaring expectations for results, Barry sought to put himself on the side of voters who he said could not care less about the political consequences of his speech. "The next election is 14 months away," Barry said, adding that the people who hired every elected leader in the room need help "and they need it now." And why is that? Administration officials bristle as much as they want when critics of their original stimulus plan note that it did not come anywhere near living up to grandiose job creation estimates the White House issued in 2009. As a result, the White House is leaving it to outside economists to render their verdict on the new plan. Mark Zandi, one of several economists asked by the White House to evaluate the president's proposal ahead of his speech, said that if enacted it would add 1.9 million jobs and reduce the unemployment rate by one percentage point. Zandi, chief economist for Moody's Analytics, said the expanded payroll tax cut would be responsible for the most increase in hiring, adding about 750,000 jobs. The tax cut for employers, he said, would add about 300,000 new jobs. I just love how these supposed experts can just pull numbers out of thin air and we're just supposed to hoo and ahh as if there is any basis in fact for any of the idiotic claims that these people make. Rarely, if ever, do any of claims ever materialize, with them counting on the fact that we won't remember what they said anyway. It's all to provide a little shock value at the moment.

As to paying for it, Barry stated that he will ask some yet to be determined special debt panel in Congress to find enough savings to cover the costs of his ideas. And what, we're just supposed to believe him? That's worked out well in the past. He says he'll release specifics a week from Monday along with a proposal to stabilize the country's long-term debt. Among them: raise taxes on the wealthy, an idea Republicans have already rejected. Most of the $447 billion package would be spent in 2012. The White House insists that Barry's as-yet-unrevealed plan for payment would spread the cost over the long term, likely over 10 years. This is nothing ore that creative bookkeeping. The president said deepening the payroll tax cut would save an average family making $50,000 a year about $1,500 compared to what they would if Congress did not extend the current tax cut. "I know some of you have sworn oaths to never raise any taxes on anyone for as long as you live," Barry quipped, which was yet another thinly veiled slap at the conservative Tea Party and its influence on many House Republicans. "Now is not the time to carve out an exception and raise-middle class taxes, which is why you should pass this bill right away." No incumbent president in recent history has won re-election with the unemployment rate anywhere near the current 9.1 percent. Barry's jobs plan put a special emphasis on the long-term unemployed, those who have been out of work for six months or more. He repeated his calls for a one-year extension of unemployment insurance in order to prevent up to 6 million people from losing their benefits. Just how long do these "benefits" need to go on?

President Barack Obama Thursday proposed a $447 billion package of tax cuts and spending measures aimed at spurring growth and hiring. Here are some of the key elements of his American Jobs Act, which he announced in a rare joint session of Congress:

 Obama is proposing a $175 billion one-year extension and expansion of the employee payroll tax holiday that would halve the tax rate to 3.1 percent in 2012.

 Obama is seeking $65 billion to encourage small businesses to hire more workers. This includes halving employer payroll taxes to 3.1 percent for the first $5 million of a company's wage bill in 2012, which the administration says will reach 98 percent of small businesses. He also wants a complete payroll tax holiday for increasing the size of the payroll by up to $50 million above the prior year, either by hiring new workers or raising the salaries of the existing labor force.

 At a cost of $5 billion, Obama wants to extend a 100 percent expensing tax break for companies, allowing them to immediately take a tax deduction for investment in new plant and equipment.

 $35 billion to keep teachers, firefighters and police officers in their jobs, of which $30 billion would go to schools and $5 billion to police and firefighters.
 $30 billion to modernize schools and community colleges.
 $15 billion to rehabilitate and refurbish vacant and foreclosed homes.
 $5 billion to help low-income youths and adult workers, supporting summer and year-round jobs for young people and support subsidized work for unemployed low-income workers.

 $50 billion to invest in highways, transit, rail and aviation, including upgrading U.S. airports, supporting Nextgen Air Traffic modernization.

 $10 billion to capitalize an infrastructure bank to leverage private and public infrastructure investment "without earmarks or traditional influence," the White House says.

 $49 billion for a one-year extension of long-term unemployment benefits that would otherwise expire, which the White House says prevents 6 million jobless Americans from losing benefits. Also, reforms to the jobless aid system and a "bridge to work" program to help get unemployed back to work.
 $8 billion for tax credits for long-term unemployed.

And in using his most arrogant tone, Barry, quite literally demanded bipartisan support for his $447-billion jobs bill, Barry “Almighty” and had the audacity to question whether Republicans want a “race to the bottom” and would allow children to be exposed to mercury. Ah yes, it's good to be king. “The people of this country work hard to meet their responsibilities. The question tonight is whether we’ll meet ours. The question is whether, in the face of an ongoing national crisis, we can stop the political circus and actually do something to help the economy,” Barry said in his speech to a joint session of Congress. “The question is -- the question is whether we can restore some of the fairness and security that has defined this nation since our beginning.” more with this "fairness" crap. What's been "fair" about anything this narcissistic socialist has done over the course of the last three years. Was it fair for him to seize control of our healthcare system, was it fair for him to bailout financial institutions that had previously provided him with mountains of campaign cash and is it fair that he has now saddled our children with a such an amount of debt that it literally rob from the chance of having a better life than did their parent. His so-called American Jobs Act, essentially nothing more than a second stimulus, and comes a mere two years after Democrats passed the $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. And we know how well that one worked. NOT!

Barry also had a response at the ready in his attempt to squelch continuing Republicans’ calls to reduce the growing number of Barry-inspired job-killing regulations, espousing the typical Democrat gibberish designed to pacify, as well as to fortify support from, the big labor union goon squads. “What we can’t do -- what I will not do -- is let this economic crisis be used as an excuse to wipe out the basic protections that Americans have counted on for decades,” Barry said. “I reject the idea that we need to ask people to choose between their jobs and their safety. I reject the argument that says for the economy to grow, we have to roll back protections that ban hidden fees by credit card companies, or rules that keep our kids from being exposed to mercury, or laws that prevent the health insurance industry from shortchanging patients. I reject the idea that we have to strip away collective bargaining rights to compete in a global economy.” In his stubborn refusal to acknowledge that ballooning labor contracts have created a smothering amount out of control spending, Barry chooses to ignore rather than attempt, even in some very limited way, this growing problem. As usual, he takes the coward's way out and chooses to do nothing more that to once again vote "present."

“We shouldn’t be in a race to the bottom, where we try to offer the cheapest labor and the worst pollution standards. America should be in a race to the top and I believe we can win that race,” said Barry in a statement directed at the Republicans. He called his plan “balanced,” saying it would “reduce the deficit by making additional spending cuts, by making modest adjustments to health care programs like Medicare and Medicaid, and by reforming our tax code in a way that asks the wealthiest Americans and biggest corporations to pay their fair share.” So here we go again, it's the wealthiest Americans who are not paying their fair share, while the nearly 50 percent of households which zero income tax don't fall under that same accusation. The president said he thinks Americans are with him on the issue of raising taxes on the rich. “While most people in this country struggle to make ends meet, a few of the most affluent citizens and most profitable corporations enjoy tax breaks and loopholes that nobody else gets,” Barry said. “Right now, Warren Buffett pays a lower tax rate than his secretary -- an outrage he has asked us to fix. We need a tax code where everyone gets a fair shake and where everybody pays their fair share, and by the way, I believe the vast majority of wealthy Americans and CEOs are willing to do just that if it helps the economy grow and gets our fiscal house in order.” Barry is determined in his continuing to persist regarding what he sees as being the only to remedy our problem, and that is to raise taxes instead of to substantially cut spending. First and foremost, what we need to do is to get our rabid spending under control. And as any good Democrat, he stubbornly refuses to do so.

As a little side note, here are but a few of the records that have been shattered by "Our Dear Beloved Leader," Barack Hussein Obama in the name of "fundamentally transforming" this country:

1. U.S. SOVEREIGN DEBT DOWNGRADE (First time in American history)
3. HIGHEST BUDGET DEFICIT (10% of GDP..highest since WWII)
4. LOWEST LEVEL OF EMPLOYMENT (58.1% of population working, lowest since 1983)
5. HIGHEST LEVEL OF LONG-TERM UNEMPLOYMENT (49.9% of total, highest since the 1930s)

Is this truly a man who deserves to be re-elected? Is this a record on which he can make the claim that he is deserving of a second term in office? No, I think not. We simply cannot afford 4 more years of Barry "Almighty." We are bankrupt and not just financially, but morally, socially, economically and internationally. He wanted to be the one person identified as presiding over the end of America, and if allowed to continue for another four years, he may very well be able to lay claim to that title. This disastrous presidency needs to be brought to an end, we simply can not afford to let it go on.

1 comment:

  1. 40-some percent of Americans, Dan, say that they favor the job President Obama has done and is doing. Of course, support among blacks has dropped precipitously to a skimpy 84%.

    Tea Partying must be measured, steadfast, and relentless. Congressional Republicans and even Republican prexy candidates cannot, and should not, be depended upon to carry the load. Too few have the nads.
