

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


While attending his many fundraisers out there in what has come to be referred to as that well known bastion of liberal lunacy which extends up and down the entire West Coast of this country, we hear that our buddy Barry "Almighty" acknowledged to gathering after gathering, the fact that this coming election isn't like the election of 2008. And during one of his many stops, Barry told the assembled crowd, this one a star-studded Hollywood gala/fundraiser on Monday night, that this time around people are weary, and the energy of 2008, back when he was the exciting new face, is going to have to be generated in a much different way. He urged the many guests, made up of such imbecilic actors as Eva Longoria, Danny DeVito and Jack Black, not to get tired now. "This is when we're tested," he said. We know that whenever Barry is surrounded by large numbers of his own kind, he feels comfortable, and as such has more of a tendency to reveal his outright contempt that he has of this country. And by being with his own kind, I mean that he is surrounded by those who have the same sentiment regarding this country as he himself possesses. Unlike during the days of John Wayne, Jimmy Stewart and Glenn Ford, you'd be hard pressed these days to find anyone in Hollywood who dares make the claim that they love their country, let alone would go off and fight for it. And I've always thought it more than a little odd that these "actors" could possess such an animosity toward those upon whom they rely so heavily to purchase ever more costly movie tickets. But, I suppose, that's the topic for another discussion.

Barry "Almighty," acting as a modern day marathon money man, held seven fundraisers over the course of two days in Washington state and California in advance of an important fundraising deadline. And later, on Tuesday while in Denver, he toured a high school where he spoke about his $450 billion jobs plan, mixing tax credits and public works spending, and how it is that he wants Congress to pass to quickly pass it. With the economy remaining very firmly stuck and unemployment remaining high just as the 2012 campaign is beginning to heat up, Barry has been constantly reminding his supporters that he never told them re-election would be easy. He has also been taking some numerous cheap shots at the GOP presidential field. "I urge all of you to watch some of these Republican debates. It's a different vision about who we are, who we stand for," Barry told about 120 Hollywood supporters at Los Angeles' Fig & Olive restaurant. Guests to Barry's little soiree paid $17,900 each to attend. This is one of those very rare occasions when Barry actually makes a statement with which I can wholeheartedly agree. It is very much a different vision that we see coming from the Republicans. It's a vision that does not glorify government but, instead, the God given rights that all Americans were intended to enjoy. It's a vision that professes the need for smaller, less intrusive government, the importance of the 2nd Amendment as well as the important role the religion should play in our society. It is the perverted vision of those like Barry that has resulted in our now being perched on the precipice.

The American people want a "bold and generous" vision of America, Barry said, not the "cramped" one he said the Republicans are offering. "That's what this election is about. It's about values, it's about character, it's about who we are." Not sure what Barry means exactly by a vision that's cramped, and for him to talk about values and character is laughable, because he has none of either. Now if he's talking about the actual limiting of government authority so that it would more closely resemble the government as it was conceived by our Founding Fathers, then I guess maybe he has a point. I'm all in favor of "cramping" the government. After all, we should all be aware by now that what Barry describes as a "bold and generous" vision, what he means is that the government should be completely unleashed, free to roam into whatever area that it may see fit. So, I think it fair to say that the vision one holds for this country, regardless of who it is that you are talking about, has as it's basis the philosophy of those individuals involved. For instance, Barry's vision for this country has as it's source his outright hatred for all that this country is, as well as what it has been throughout its history. He sees this country as nothing more than a purveyor of greed, an excessive user of resources that provides nothing in return and as a massive contributor to "global warming." On the other hand, the vision for this country as presented by those seeking the Republican nomination, at least if you can take them at their word, is based much more on their love of country, a belief American exceptionalism, as well as a firm belief in our Constitution. Now, of these two visions for America, which was is the more preferable? The "cramped" one, or the "bold and generous" one? Seems like a no brainer to me!

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