

Monday, September 19, 2011


Now I'm very sure that just about everybody remembers the urgency with which Barry "Almighty," at least initially, stated that we would need to address our continuing disastrous unemployment situation. And it was not all that long ago, in fact it was back in early August, that Barry told us that the jobs situation was now become so urgent that he was going to be, (drum roll), giving yet another one of his so eloquently delivered, but devoid of any substance, speeches on just that very topic. And he would be doing so, oh in about a month or so, in September after his vacation on Martha's Vineyard had been successfully concluded. And then came September with Barry announcing that he would give his much anticipated major jobs speech to a joint session of Congress on September 7. But a funny thing happened on the way to the House floor, he neglected to check with congressional leaders first. I suppose he just assumed that because of who he is that it would be no big problem to make all of the necessary arrangements that would enable him to speak to the people on such an important topic and from such an impressive venue. Well, Barry assumed incorrectly as it was suggested that the 8th might be a better date for him to give his little speech. Not that whatever day he chose to give his speech really mattered all that much. We were all pretty sure that what we would be hearing a speech which would include nothing new. And we were right. Barry's speech was nothing but a rehashing of the same old proposals that we had already heard any number of times.

Anyway, so it was then that Barry's big day finally arrived but very few were actually anticipating that the speech would live up to all of the hype. In fact even before the speech was given the White house was making efforts to downplay what we all could expect to hear. He was now going to be laying out his supposed plan regarding what he, Barry "Almighty," was going to do in an effort to get "Americans working again." "Tonight," Barry began, way back when, with the first 34 of his 4,021 words read from his trusty teleprompter to a national television audience that night, "we meet at an urgent time for our country. We continue to face an economic crisis that has left millions of our neighbors jobless, and a political crisis that has made things worse." What he failed to mention was the fact that the main cause for the continuing crisis to which he referred were the policies set forth by both he and members of his own party. And what we heard that night was essentially the same campaign style rhetoric that we had all heard before and on any number of separate occasions. The speech got panned, in short order and rightly so, with it being described as being nothing more than just another political campaign speech with Barry announcing, in effect, that....since the first stimulus spending plan of $787 billion hadn't really worked, maybe another $447 billion in stimulus spending plan would be just what the doctor ordered. Nothing new here, nope. Just more campaign rhetoric with Barry talking allot, but not really saying anything, as usual.

Yet, this is the kind of thinking that, while it seems to make sense to those within the infamous "Beltway," it doesn't to those who reside everywhere else. Most of those who reside outside of that rather unique locale are of the opinion that the last thing needed right now is anything that succeeds in only getting us even farther into debt. And something missed by very few was that fact that since "stimulus" has now essentially become nothing more a laugh line, as well as now being considered as pretty much the equivalent of a dirty 8 letter word, it never once crossed Barry's lips during his entire speech. And hey, with the debt ceiling having been raised to $16 trillion why not take a shot at spending another half-trillion more in an attempt to make it look like he really might be trying to do something about the terrible jobs situation with 14+ million Americans now unemployed? Barry knew what he was proposing as his plan B had not chance of working. And the Republicans, in all likelihood weren't going to go along with it anyway. But that was what Barry was intending to have happen anyway. His plan was to propose a plan that, while sounding good to his fellow Democrats, would do absolutely nothing. Then he would wait for the Republicans to object and then set about portraying them as being the ones solely responsible for millions of people remaining out of work.

Barry's intention was to then go about blaming the GOP next year for the nation's failing schools and rusting bridges. This also seems to be the tactic to be employed by the Democrats as a whole, as they seek to regain control of the House and increase their majority in the Senate. Barry was in such a hurry to get this new spending going, as everyone remembers, that during that address he said the phrase "right now" seven times. He was demanding that his proposal be passed before it was even written, which is really nothing new in Washington these days. But when Barry said "right now" he didn't actually mean "right now," because it was on that very night that the NFL season was opening just a few minutes after his remarks. But Barry did want to show how really urgent he thought the situation was, even though it had taken him 961 days as president to even begin to address this issue. And even though from Day #1 of the brief Barry Era, polls had shown jobs and the economy as being the No. 1 priority among voters, Barry chose to first pursue such things as the seizure of our healthcare and costly financial reforms first. And even though unemployment had been at or above 9%, actually in double digits, for 26 of the last 28 months, Barry saw fit to address what he saw as those more pressing matters first. So now, given Barry's new sense of urgency, everyone asked where was his jobs legislation? Ah, well, it hadn't actually been written yet, but it should be ready in, say, about a week or two. When the laughter died, the White House said on second thought the legislation would be ready for a photo op the next Monday.

Well, here we are on the next Monday after that next Monday and we've just learned from the No. 2 Democrat in the Senate, "Little Dick" Durbin, that actually it seems that body won't really be seriously getting into the legislation for a while yet. It seems that the Senate has some other more pressing business that it must attend to. And then, of course, there's this month's congressional vacation, which in Washington is called "a recess," just like elementary school. Here's the revealing exchange with a persistent host Candy Crowley on CNN's "State of the Union:"

CROWLEY: When is the bill going to get on the floor?

"Little Dick": The bill is on the calendar. Majority leader Reid moved it to the calendar. It is ready and poised. There are a couple other items we may get into this week not on the bill and some related issues that may create jobs. But we're going to move forward on the president's bill. There will be a healthy debate. I hope the Republicans will come to…

CROWLEY: After the recess, so next month? Or when will it actually begin to act on?

"Little Dick": I think that's more realistic it would be next month.

So, if I'm understanding "Little Dick" correctly here, "right now," even though first uttered on September 8, what Barry and the Democrats really meant was sometime at least one month later. Good thing the president's own Democratic party still controls the Senate. Because, otherwise, there might be some kind of silly, unnecessary delays in deliberating Barry's "urgent" jobs bill which he claims will most assuredly help the nation's unemployed millions if only those evil obstructionist Republicans don't connive to slow things down. Look, the American people are going to have to come to grips with the fact that Barry and the Democrats are not striving to do them any favors. What Barry and the Democrats are focused most intently on, right now, is to get themselves re-elected as well as to get as many Democrats as possible elected to Congress. From their perspective, the fact that millions of Americans remain without a job matters very little in their big scheme of things. They will continue to do their best to keep people pacified via their typical idiotic rhetoric at least until we get past the next election. Meanwhile the proposing of any legislation that has as its primary purpose anything other than its being something that can be used, essentially, as a weapon against the opposition will not even brought up by the Democrats. The bottom line here is that both Barry and the Democrat Party as a whole is doing nothing more than playing politics with the lives of millions of unemployed Americans. So what we need to focus on here is expediting Barry's, as well as every other pro-government politician's, becoming unemployed. Or at least moved into a position where they are much less able to have any sort of an impact on our lives.


  1. Mrs. AL, reading Mark Steyn's latest book. After America. He describes things the same way. Great book, by the way.
