

Sunday, September 4, 2011


For decades, through what has always been a creative, and very skillful, use of the language, liberals have been trying, and to a certain extent succeeding, to, not so subtly, convince you of their well-meaning intentions. They portray themselves as being the protectors of the little guy and defenders of the weak, but, unfortunately, the truth is far different as well as more than a little sinister. They continually attempt to paint, and in the most favorable light imaginable, the benefits of cradle to grave or womb to tomb involvement into our lives by an all knowing and all seeing federal government. We are simply too stupid to know what’s good for us. It is all nothing more than an attempt to convince us that the government can run our lives much better than we can. And in exchange for only a few of our freedoms, that they say we really won’t miss anyway, they will gladly take control of the more stressful dealings in your everyday existence. However, in a day and age where the term “federal government” has now come to evoke feelings of disillusionment, and for some, even disgust, the Barry “Almighty” administration appears to be opting for a new softer, gentler approach by, evidently, choosing what it views as being the preferable, and somewhat innocuous term, “federal family.” It’s all nothing more than a euphemism for the government’s usurping an increasing amount of our individual liberties.

But does “federal family” elicit warm, familial feelings, or does it instead conjure up images of Big Brother and 1984? For those of us who prefer that government simply leave us alone, the answer to that question is a very resounding yes! Because if anything, we recognize the fact that this “federal family” that Barry and the Democrats are advocating is nothing if not an extremely dysfunctional entity, to say the least, and is capable of doing much more harm than good. And no amount of eloquent rhetoric read from a teleprompter should convince anyone of anything different. Its pretty common knowledge that it takes very little time for anything that the government comes into contact with to pretty much just turn to shit. However as noted recently by the “Palm Beach Post,” it was in a flurry of official communications surrounding the onset and aftermath of Hurricane Irene, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) repeatedly used the phrase “federal family” when describing the Barry “Almighty” administration’s response to the storm. While the term wasn’t coined by the Barry “Almighty” administration, Barry certainly seems to have taken to it, raising it to a whole new level. While the administrations of both “BJ” Clinton and George W. Bush peppered the odd congressional testimony or statement with the warm and fuzzy euphemism, since Barry took office, “federal family” has turned up some “118 times” on fema.gov, 50 instances of which include Irene-related references alone.

“Under the direction of President Obama and his stellar Secretary Janet Napolitano, the entire federal family is leaning forward to support our state, tribal and territorial partners along the East Coast,” so said a FEMA news release stated the Friday prior to Irene’s arrival. Have you ever heard anything more ridiculous? Your family doesn’t try to get you addicted to crack, yet that is exactly what your supposed “federal family” is attempting to do. Only in this instance the crack comes in the form of a growing list of very costly government “entitlements.” There is a very obvious difference between intruding and assisting. Far too often to receive government “assistance,” it first requires the allowing of government to intrude into areas in which it, quite literally, has no business. “’Government’ is such a dirty word right now,” Florida State University communication professor Davis Houck told the Post. “Part of what the federal government does and any elected official does is change the terms of the language game into terms that are favorable to them.” In another instance during Hurricane Irene, Barry’s administration claimed it was “committed to bringing all of the resources of the federal family to bear.” “That one is so blatantly obvious that I think people’s rhetorical radar is going to go off,” Houck said. Gee, ya think?

Now we know that it is the philosophy of this president that you should never allow a good crisis to go to waste. Because it may provide the government with just the opportunity it needs to further encroach into areas of our society that otherwise it would not be permitted to freely roam. Some, like Barry and his fellow Democrats, believe a disaster is nothing more than a golden opportunity to communicate how government can “help” people. You know the that old saying, “I’m from the government, I’m here to help.” Government claim to be performing a family-like function in a … crisis. But people never realize until is usually too late that any assistance accepted from the government very often comes with some significant strings attached that are simply nonnegotiable. The government doesn’t take lightly the refusal of assistance when offered. Doesn’t sound very family-like to me. But to accept that assistance to also accept the fact that you must now play by the government’s rules and essentially do as you are told since it now, courtesy of money taken from actual working Americans, is footing the bill. As well, the monumental number of “unintended consequences that we are all forced to deal with on a daily basis because of all of this liberal meddling with a design that was nearly flawless from the very beginning. We are now at a place in our history where, because of this growing nanny state mentality, America must now be rescued from itself. The rapidly growing list of entitlement “benefits” sponsored by liberals, and for no other reason than to enhance their own chances of getting elected, has now gotten this country into a predicament that it will not be easy to extricate ourselves from.

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