

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


In what can only be described as being a blatantly partisan speech given by an individual who has now reduced himself to the equivalent of a third rate political hack, our "Dear Beloved Leader" seems to have now gone into full attack mode. In a speeched viewed by most as nothing more than a bid to shore up his left-wing support, Barry "Almighty" attacked House Speaker John Boehner for taking a “my-way-or-the-highway” attitude to budget negotiations, while threatening to wield his veto pen against any Republican budget reforms that he deems unfair. Now isn't that the pot calling the kettle black. Who is it, exactly, that has exhibited more that specific tendency over the entire course of the last nearly three years? Ah, that would be our president with that socialist bent, who is so determined in his effort to quite literally destroy our country. And standing right behind him is his pathertic cadre of Democrat malcontents in the Congress. At some point the American people are going to be required to make a decision. Are we as a country going to except the fact that we just can't continue on our present path, where we are essentially destroying the future of our children. Either we except that fact or we choose to committ our children to a future in which they become nothing more than indentured servants to an all powerful government created by our own inability, or unwillingness, to take even the slightest interest in being responsibility for ourselves. Will our instinct for self-preservation finally kick in before it's too late?

Barry also completely rejected out of hand any notion that his proposed “Buffett rule” to tax wealthier Americans amounts to class warfare. “Either we gut education and medical research or we’ve got to reform the tax code,” he says. “This is not class warfare — it’s math. The money has to come from someplace.” But I'm still more than just a little curious how it is that this tax hike, or as Barry calls it, his "Buffett rule," which is what it is, will create even one job. That is what Barry's claiming he wants to do after all, right, to create jobs? “Obama is now just as concerned with politics as he is with substance,” Such is the opinion of Democratic pollster and Fox News commentator Doug Schoen in an interview given shortly after the president’s speech yesterday. “This is as much about the election next year as it is about balancing the budget and creating jobs this year. “Class warfare and tax increases are all about setting up the Republicans for political attacks, not bipartisan cooperation — as the rhetoric in today's speech made clear,” Schoen said. But will it work this time around, especially after seeing first hand just how it is that Barry has been very deliberate in his attempts to create as much havoc as possible and has demonstrated on any number of occassions that his priorities are not the priorities of most freedom loving Americans.

It was Mr. Schoen’s view that Barry’s speech, in which the president promised to shave $3 trillion over the next decade from the deficit, in part by raising $1.5 trillion in new tax revenue mostly on the backs of wealthier Americans, was a political exercise rather than a viable policy proposal was widely echoed across the political spectrum. These endless promises of making cuts to the deficit well out into the future, over the next 10 years, after, if we're lucky, Barry will have long ago left office, have essentially become, like the dollar these days, not worth the paper they're printed on. How dare he put future presidents in the predicament of having to deal with the problem that Barry himself has brought about. Center for Politics Director Larry J. Sabato of the University of Virginia has said, “There's no question the speech was fundamentally political. The White House knows there is no chance most of this package can pass the Republican House, maybe even the Senate. So why do it? “If Obama is to win a second term, he has to re-energize his Democratic base, which has been in a funk, and also attract back millions of Independents that have left his camp,” Sabato explains. “Polling shows the millionaire's tax strongly appeals to both groups.” Anyone who falls for this nonsense is an imbecile, plan and simple!

The Washington Post reported that it “amounts more to an opening play in the fall debate over the economy than another attempt to find common ground with the opposing party.” Barry has no interest whatsoever in seeking out any common ground. And as stated, correctly, on Politico.com, the speech “reads more like a blueprint for shoring up his restless Democratic base than a vehicle for reaching across the aisle in search of bipartisan compromise.” In part, that was because of the strident tone the president took toward Republican rival Boehner. The speaker has maintained the so-called “grand bargain” to reform taxes and entitlements blew up when Barry tried to add in additional tax increases in the 11th hour of negotiations. But this is Barry's standard operating procedure. He's a pathetic liar who accuses his opposition of doing the very things that he, and members of his own party, are guilty of doing. Everything he presents to the people is nothing more than a pure fabrication of the facts. He makes things up as he goes along, hoping that because of his smooth delivery people will just accept what he says at face value. To do so is not advisable, as it can prove deadly in the long run. Deadly to our economy, deadly to our prospects of being able to survice this presidency and deadly to the future of our children.

But, as always, Barry proceeded to blame everybody but himself, this time pointing is boney finger at Boehner, accusing Boehner of “walking away” from a deal that would have addressed the nation’s most fundamental balance-sheet issues. That was pure B.S. and Barry knew it, but it didn't stop him from saying it anyway. Barry did say that he was encouraged last week when Speaker Boehner said the nation’s problems could not be resolved with a “my-way-or-the-highway” approach. But then, he said, Boehner ruled out tax increases in the same speech. “So the speaker says you can’t have it my way or the highway, then says it’s got to be my way or the high way. That’s not smart. It’s not right,” Barry said. But I guess it's ok for Barry to say if there's no tax increase, then he'll veto it. This guy is so dishonest, he can’t haave it both ways, as much as he thinks the rules apply differently to him. In keeping with the political tone of the speech, Republicans fired back. Boehner said Barry “has not made a serious contribution [to the congressional debt committee’s] work today.” Speaking of the president’s apparent strategy for re-election, he added: “Pitting one group of Americans against another is not leadership.” While that's true, we also need to realize that when it comes to being an actual leader, Barry is seriously lacking those qualities that make someone a leader.

Boehner held out hope there could be some common ground for agreement on efforts to grow jobs, however. He said Republicans were interested in moving forward with free-trade agreements, and perhaps some additional infrastructure spending. Barry’s campaign style rhetoric has grown progressively sharper as his standing in the polls has continued to plummet. A new CBS/New York Times poll Monday showed that his approval had reached an all-time low of just 43 percent, compared to 50 percent who disapprove. Other surveys have the president’s approval as low as 39 percent. Also, Rasmussen Reports released a poll on Monday with even more worrisome numbers for all the president’s men: Only 34 percent of self-identified undecided voters approve of the president’s job performance, compared with a whopping 64 percent who disapprove. If his numbers continue on their present downward track, I think it only reasonable to assume that we will begin to see an obvious up tick in the level of heated rhetoric coming from Barry "Almighty" as well as there being a dramatic rise in the level of incendiary language coming in the form of all manner of baseless accusations made by his many surrogates in Congress as well as those firmly entrenched in the state controlled media complex. It's going to begin to get nasty here pretty quick, be we, the voters are going to need to stay well above the fray and not allow ourselves to fall prey to what we all know is coming.

Barry has presided over, and has actually been personally responsible for, the most rapid increase in the national debt of any U.S. president ever, with our debt now over $4 trillion and counting. But coming as no surprise because he can never be responsible for anything, he also blamed “profligate spending in Washington” for the nation’s budget woes. Democrats are expected to applaud the president’s decision not to address the mounting fiscal problems facing Social Security and Medicare. Republicans have gone on record warning those programs must be reformed in order to preserve their viability for future generations. But those warnings, it safely be said, have, as always, fallen on deaf ears. Despite the rising flood of trillions in red ink the entitlements are projected to create in the future, Democrats see the issue as a political winner for them in next year’s elections. Which, I might add, says more about the American people that it does the Democrats. Barry has threatened to veto GOP reforms if they don’t meet his standards for fairness. “I will not support any plan that puts all the burden for closing our deficit on ordinary Americans,” he said. Ya know, I've heard this "standards for fairness" crap til I wanna puke. I'm curious as to why it is that's it considered accaptable that those who primarily vote for Republicans must pay most of the taxes while those who vote primarily for Democrats pay absolutely none? I guess that never enters into Barry's fairness equation.

It has been said by some, especially those who perceive themselves to be "experts" in the political arena, that what Barry is attempting to do here is nothing more than to lay a clever political trap for the Republicans. Personally, what I think is actually taking place here is what can best be described as the laying of a trap for the American people. The question is, will they allow themselves to, yet again, fall for the propaganda being spewed by the usual suspects, in this case, Barry, the DNC and the media? Or, are enough of them finally ready to admit that the man for whom a majority of them voted, is nothing more than a corrupt fraud who has demonstrated time qnd again, that he is determined to bring about the collapse of this country. The American people cannot allow themselves to fall victim to the nonstop political vitriol that we know is coming and that will surely be directed at them and designed to do nothing more than to distract them just long enough. What is going to be required of us is that we are going to need to man up and protect our country from this Democrat onslaught, or risk being seen as essentially nothing more than willing accomplices on this, our little sleigh ride to Hell. I think most of us can all agree that the amounts of money that have watched being spent, and with no appreciable improvement in our economic environment having been achieved, a change of direction is now very much needed. And with the only thing Barry and the Democrats are ever wanting to do, that is to raise taxes, little is done that would alter our present course. As I asked earlier, how exactly does the raising of taxes create, or save, even a single job? It doesn't, plan and simply. Which brings me back to asking the question, are there really enough Americans who remain ignorant to the point where they will cheerfully sacrifice the future of their children by choosing, instead, to believe the constant flow of lies from a president who so very obviously hates this country?

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