

Thursday, December 6, 2012


I'm not even sure where to begin with this little bit of idiocy. But the House Democratic leadership actually made the statement on Wednesday of this week that the debt ceiling "ought not be a negotiating item" in Congress, thereby ceding their constitutional authority to borrow money to our "Lord and Savior", Barack Hussein Obama! The lead character in our continuing series, "The Gasbag Chronicles", Steny Hoyer, said, "The debt limit ought not to be held hostage to anything." This dim bulb went on to say, "It hurt our economy. We were downgraded for the first time in my career, and I think in history, by one of the rating agencies." Adding, "The credit worthiness of America ought not to be put at risk." Saying, "It ought not to be a negotiating item."

Maybe somebody should have asked this pompous ass why it was that our credit rating was downgraded in the first place. I don't suppose it could have had anything to do with all of the excessive spending that this dope has been such an enthusiastic supporter of.. Look, the current debt limit stands at an astronomical $16.394 Trillion, which the Treasury Department expects to be met before the end of the year. As of the close of business Monday, the public debt reached $16.338 Trillion, leaving less than $60 Billion before the ceiling is met. In the fiscal cliff negotiations, Barry "Almighty" actually asked for the power to permanently and unilaterally lift the debt limit without the approval of Congress. To allow such a thing would be nothing short of f*cking crazy. Or, fiscal insanity in it’s most pure form.

And once again lying through his teeth, or talking out his ass as he has a tendency to do, Hoyer actually made the idiotic claim that Barry does want so be part of any agreement. Hoyer said, "First of all, of course the president wants it part of the agreement so that we do not harm the economy, harm the creation of jobs and harm working Americans and America’s credit worthiness by making that part of the debate." He went on to say, "It ought not be part of the debate." Look, most likely, irreparably harm has already been done to the economy, thanks to crooks like Hoyer. And Barry should want to be more than merely part of any agreement, he should be willing to lead on the issue. But since we all know Barry is completely incapable of actually leading on any issue, he leaves things to his schleps in Congress like this gasbag, Hoyer.

Old Steny said he agrees with Barry's proposal that would give to our 'Dear Beloved Leader' the permanent unilateral authority to raise the debt ceiling unless overridden by two-thirds of the Congress, which he offered via Treasury Secretary, Timmy "The Tax Cheat" Geithner, in fiscal cliff negotiations with House and Senate leaders last week. "I think the president is absolutely right," Hoyer said on Friday. Adding that, "We ought not to play this game of debt limit extension. Both parties have been responsible and participated in this game." Ok, and that's true, but never before in our history has one party been responsible for level of spending that borders on the total insanity that we have today! We're now printing money so fast I'm surprised the printing presses haven't melted!

And then in what was clearly an attempt to try to downplay the role the Democrats have consistently played in creating our current financial and economic nightmare, Hoyer said, "When the other party was in charge, whether it was a Democratic Party or a Republican Party, with the other party in charge of the White House we tended to demagogue on the debt limit." And in trying to reduce it down to being nothing more than politics, he said, "I think that's unfortunate." And then, sounding rather indignant, Hoyer said, "President Obama is saying we ought to stop playing that, because it hurt our economy very substantially when we did so in the summer of 2011," he said. Democrat loon, Nancy "Old Stretch" Pelosi also endorsed the president’s plan last week saying the debt limit should be out of the hands of Congress. Ya, sure!

Our Constitution, you know that rather famous little document that, for the most part, has worked pretty darn well for us and that turds like Hoyer, Pelosi and Barry would like nothing more that to simply shred, expressly gives the power to borrow money to Congress, not the president. And there is a reason for that, one we should take seriously especially when we have a president who is as dishonest and as corrupt as our current one. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 2 says: "Congress shall have power ... To borrow money on the credit of the United States." The debt ceiling was last raised on August 2, 2011 when Congress and the president agreed to the Budget Control Act, which increased the borrowing limit by $2.4 trillion, and set in motion $1.2 trillion in automatic cuts to defense and discretionary spending.

Standard and Poor’s downgraded the U.S. credit rating just three days later on August 5 from AAA to AA+, saying that the legislation "falls short of what, in our view, would be necessary to stabilize the government's medium-term debt dynamics." Prior to the downgrade, John Chambers, chairman of S&P's sovereign ratings committee, said $4 trillion in deficit reduction over 10 years would be a good start and "would signal the seriousness of policymakers to address the fiscal position of the United States." Now I'm sure this guy, Mr. Chambers, is a lot smarter than I am when it comes to such matters as this. But honestly, when your talking about over $16 Trillion dollars of debt, $4 Trillion over 10 years really doesn't amount to squat. It's merely a drop in the bucket. So fasten your seatbelts, folks, it's over the cliff we go!

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