

Thursday, December 20, 2012


Apparently feeling that it is perhaps entitled to insert itself into the internal affairs of our country, most likely because we now owe it such a considerable amount of money, the Communist Chinese government is now calling for essentially confiscating guns we own. The call for Americans to be disarmed came via its state-run media front Xinhua, which argued that the Sandy Hook school massacre demands "no delay for U.S. gun control." Much like the state-controlled media in this country, Xinhua is virtually the press agency for the Communist Chinese government. The organization, "is subordinate to the State Council and reports to the Communist Party of China’s Propaganda and Public Information Departments."

In other words, Xinhua represents the pinnacle of Chinese state-run media and therefore whatever is printed in its editorial pages represents the opinion of the ruling Communist Party leaders. As such, it serves primarily the same function as do the three major networks, CNN, MSNBC as well as such print sources as The New York Times, the LA Times and the Washington Post do for the Democrat Party in this country. The article in question here calls on Barry to exploit, and to the greatest extent possible, the recent tragedy to push his gun control agenda, adding that his lame duck situation represents "the best position to promote it," while blaming the National Rifle Association for curtailing previous attempts to regulate firearms in the United States.

Noting that after previous mass shootings efforts to impose gun control measures "disappointingly always fail," the editorial expresses the desire that the "gunman’s cruelty and evil may provide a strong momentum and broader public support for the restart of gun control efforts." The article adds that Barry "Almighty" should begin "to make preparation for a protracted war," with a massive political cost if he wants to eviscerate the Second Amendment.  As Brandon Darby points out, "The current Chinese government, the communist People’s Republic of China, was established in a revolution led by Mao Zedong, who killed an estimated 40-70 million people with starvation, executions, and re-education camps."

Indeed, it was Mao himself who said "political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." This should provide a hint as to what happens when tyrants are unleashed upon a disarmed population, and why China’s call to repeal the Second Amendment rings chillingly hollow.  If you want to get a taste of how a state treats citizens who refuse to submit to big government tyranny yet who are completely disarmed, look no further than China itself. As was reported earlier this year, a villager in northern China attempting to resist a forced government relocation by remaining on his land was brutally crushed to death by a road flattening truck on the orders of a Chinese government official. 

 China is routinely rocked by riots staged by residents furious at the arbitrary theft of their land by the state, which under the Communist system claims that the government owns all land and that private property rights are non-existent. However, the state-owned media ensures that news of the protests never reaches a national audience, in much the same our own media keeps us pretty much in the dark. And since the state has all the guns, the idea of government thugs arbitrarily kicking people off their own property is pretty much a routine occurrence in China. The kind of massive land grabs and forced relocations that occur almost every day in China is not a situation that has yet been visited on America primarily because Americans have the Second Amendment.

 A law was recently passed in Indiana which legalizes the use of deadly force, including against a police officer, in the event of an unlawful intrusion. China can keep its forced relocations, its summary execution of political dissidents, its mobile execution vans, and its draconian police state. Americans will keep their guns, no matter how many times the Communist Chinese government, and all its political allies here within America, talk down the Second Amendment. But this does demonstrate what can happen when one becomes indebted, especially to the extent that we have, to a country like Red China. And I think it safe to say that this is what will most likely prove to be only the first of many attempts by the Chinese to ‘influence’ our politics.

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