

Monday, December 31, 2012


We witnessed yet another example of what passes for hard-hitting journalism these days, when in appearing on NBCs "Meet the Press" this past Sunday, Barry "Almighty" let loose with the biggest whopper that's he's told since getting re-elected. But much bigger ones were told during the campaign and during his first term. This most recent one, however, involved his claim to have actually cut spending by more than $1 Trillion in 2011. Funny thing though, the White House Office of Management and Budget says that federal spending actually increased by $147 Billion from fiscal 2010 to fiscal 2011. And yet he never seems to be challenged by any of those in our illustrious state-controlled media, on what they must know are nothing more than blatant and purposeful lies.

And as to be expected, the very limp-wristed David Gregory, who, I guess, fancies himself as being some sort of a journalist, asked Barry, "Well, you talk about dysfunction in Washington. You signed this legislation setting up the fiscal cliff 17 months ago. How accountable are you for the fact that Washington can't get anything done and that we are at this deadline again?" Barry responded with his standard bullshit: "Well, I have to tell you, David, if you look at my track record over the last two years, I cut spending by over a trillion dollars in 2011" He continued, "I campaigned on the promise of being willing to reduce the deficit in a serious way, in a balanced approach of spending cuts and tax increases on the wealthy while keeping middle class taxes low."

But our Liar-In-Chief was far from being done. He went on to say, "I put forward a very specific proposal to do that." And then, in getting really carried away with himself, he said, "I negotiated with Speaker Boehner in good faith and moved more than halfway in order to achieve a grand bargain. I offered over a trillion dollars in additional spending cuts so that we would have two dollars of spending cuts for every one dollar of increased revenue. I think anybody objectively who's looked at this would say that, you know, we have put forward not only a sensible deal but one that has the support of the majority of the American people, including close to half of Republicans." The lies just never end with this guy! He is without a doubt the most prolific liar to ever hold his office.

According to the White House Office of Management and Budget, federal spending was not only not cut by $1 Trillion in 2011, spending increased. The fact is that in fiscal 2010, federal spending was $3,456,213,000,000. In fiscal 2011, federal spending was $3,603,213,000,000. For Liberals, that would be an 'increase' of $147 Billion. While Barry did not cut federal spending by $1 trillion in 2011, he did increase the debt by more than $1 Trillion in that fiscal year. In fiscal 2011, according to the White House Office of Management and Budget, the federal deficit was $1,299,595,000,000. That was up from a deficit of $1,293,489,000,000 in fiscal 2010. So as hard as I might try, I just don’t see what Barry is talking about.

So the lies are allowed to continue and Barry is simply permitted, by those who are supposed to be the watchdogs of our democracy, to get away with telling them. We have an impotent 'news' media today, one that refuses to do their job out of fear that something they might say would make Barry look bad. These days they see themselves a being nothing more than his cheering section and as such it's simply not appropriate for them to offer any sort of critique. They have essentially reduced themselves to being nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party, and therefore, can no linger be trusted to provide to us information that is either accurate or truthful. In short, they're simply not worth listening to anymore.

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