

Saturday, December 15, 2012


Ok, so once again we will be confronted with 24/7 news coverage of another tragedy with liberals now appearing on nearly every street corner raving about the need for gun control. There will be, no doubt, and endless stream of media coverage and the sickening politicization of another horrendous act committed by yet another nut. Personally, I think those now screaming that the time has now come for Barry "Almighty" to take some kind of action to "control" guns, are attacking this issue from the wrong side. Instead of less guns, I would argue that there should be many more guns. Imagine if you will, just for a second, what might have happened had the principal of that school had himself been carrying a gun. Perhaps if he had been, it’s quite possible, that at the end of the day the only dead person at the scene would have been this crazy shooter. More gun control would not have prevented this tragedy from occurring.

Isn’t it reasonable to assume in this day and age, that if the government can now demand that we all purchase healthcare, why can’t it also now demand that everyone over the age of 21 carry a gun? How far would this gunman have gotten if every teacher had been packing? Of course by making such a demand the government would also be responsible for ensuring that everyone was properly trained and that those with criminal records would not be able to enjoy the privilege of carrying a weapon. All day, I’ve watched television pundits talk about the country as if we were saturated in non-stop violence. The simple fact is that over the past decades we have become a more peaceful place. Steven Pinker’s fascinating book "The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined" is a macro view of this historical worldwide trend, but during my lifetime, crime rates and gun violence have fallen, and quite dramatically.

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics in 1993, the United States hit an ugly peak with 13,981 murders by handgun. By 2005, the last year the study is available on the site, that number was down to 8,478, a drop of over 60 percent. Death by other guns also decreased from 3,094 to 2,868 during that same time. In 2010 there were 14,748 "murder and nonnegligent manslaughters" in the United States. That’s the lowest number since 1969. Even during this recession, crime has kept falling for the most part, and baffling experts. Nothing can stop a sick person bent on murder. But all the scare-mongering about guns and crime doesn’t actually reflect reality. I know facts, and our Second Amendment right, mean little to liberals now clamoring for more gun control. Instead of blaming the person that pulled the trigger, they blame legal gun sales, Rush Limbaugh and even the Tea Party, which everyone knows is racist.

And it never ceases to amaze me that those screaming the loudest in advocating for some sort of gun control are, more often than not, those very same ones who are also able to afford the luxury of possessing big, burly, and very well-armed bodyguards. These flaming hypocrites see it as being perfectly acceptable that they be able to take the proper precautions in order to ensure they are kept safe while the rest of us are to be pretty much left on our own. The myth that is perpetually advocated is that somehow if we only control these dangerous guns such tragedies would never happen. Well maybe in the Shangri-La type world dancing around inside the heads of most liberals that ‘might’ be true. But, and I really hate to be the one bust their little bubble here, that ain’t quite the way it is in the real world! Bad things happen to good people, bad things will always happen to good people. That’s called life!

And for those who those who say that if only we had much stricter gun control such atrocities as this out not happen, I would point them to the very recent news story out of China where police say that nearly two dozen children were injured in the central China province of Henan by a knife-wielding villager. At least 22 children and one adult were injured in a knife attack outside a primary school in central China, police say. An officer said the attack, in the village of Chengping in Henan province, happened shortly before 8am on Friday, as students were arriving for classes. The attacker, believed to be 36-year-old villager Min Yingjun, is in police custody, said officials. A county hospital administrator said the man first attacked an elderly woman, then students, before being subdued by security guards. So you see, it’s not the guns, it’s the nuts. And they’re everywhere!

And finally another thing! After watching things unfold over the course of the last four years, with the rapid expansion of governmental intrusion into just about every aspect of our lives, who in their right mind doubts that an armed citizenry may very well prove to be our last line of defense against tyranny? Government is out of control and I think it very safe to say that we may be poised to go over more than just a fiscal cliff. Liberals/progressives are desperate to eradicate the last vestiges of that love of freedom that makes America truly unique. These dishonest characters are not above using any tactic which they feel will provide to them the upper hand in any argument. They will manipulate any tragedy, simply make up "facts" that they claim support their side of the ‘discussion’ and will outright lie in order to achieve their goals. And the gun control argument is the perfect example of their strategy.

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