

Friday, December 14, 2012


So imagine my surprise when the other day, our less than stellar Senate Majority Leader, 'Dingy' Harry Reid, Democrat, was heard to be complaining about the fact that House Republicans are refusing to bring some Senate-passed legislation to the floor, while at the same time dismissing all questions regarding when he might be bringing up the many House-passed measures up for a Senate vote. "I can give you a long list of things we haven’t done," 'Dingy' said, with a wry smile, at his weekly press conference when asked if he would ever bring languishing GOP bills up for a vote.

Old 'Dingy' claimed that it was simply too time consuming for the Senate to act on every single House measure sent over by Speaker Boehner, using the ridiculous excuse that Senate procedures just took up too much time. "Every time you come to a bill [on the Senate floor] you have to have a Motion to Proceed [and] it takes about 10 days, and it limits what we can get done here," he said. 'Dingy', as majority leader in the Senate, controls the floor schedule and therefore is the one responsible for deciding which bills will come to the floor and when.

When asked again if he might bring any of the House-passed bills to the floor, 'Dingy' again chuckled like an ass and said "some time is a long time, I guess." Sounding more like a spoiled little baby, 'Dingy' complained during his opening remarks that Speaker John Boehner had refused to take any action on several Senate-passed bills, including a bill that would extend current tax rates for everyone making under $250,000 per year, allowing rates to rise only on those making more. Of course, that would be the one he would point out, knowing full well why that piece of crap hasn't been acted on.

"Speaker Boehner knows or should know that the middle class tax help that we have to pass would sail through the House of Representatives. Democrats would overwhelmingly vote for it. I would doubt that there would be any Democrat that would vote against it," 'Dingy' said. Democrats passed the bill in July, in an attempt to demonstrate that the Senate could muster the votes necessary to raise taxes on those making $250,000 per year or more. Well, gee, does anyone doubt, even for a second, that there’s a Democrat anywhere who wouldn’t vote to raise taxes? DUH!

The House has taken no action on that particular bill because, at least this point in time, Republicans still strongly oppose the idea of raising taxes on anyone. 'Dingy' actually made the idiotic claim that the Senate had "nothing to do" until the House takes action on the Senate-passed legislation. "We have nothing to do until they do something," he said. "We’ve been waiting for them to do something that will help the middle class." Meanwhile, old 'Dingy' has refused, and continues to refuse, to take any action on any bill that has arrived from the House.

Just to remind everyone, there is a rather long list of several high-priority House bills that, at least so far, old 'Dingy' has simply refused taken action on. Those bills would include, the 2013 version of the Ryan budget, a GOP bill to avoid part of the fiscal cliff, a GOP bill to pave the way for tax reform, and the House’s Cut, Cap, and Balance long-term spending plan. In total, there are 40 House-passed bills, according to House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s (R-Va.) office, that have passed the House only to languish over there in the Democrat controlled Senate.

So with 40 House passed bills still waiting for some kind of action by the Senate, 'Dingy' has actually said that the Senate has "nothing to do" until the House takes action on legislation to raise taxes. Unreal! This beady-eyed little shit and his fellow Democrats created this mess and now want to do nothing more than to make it worse. Granted, the Republicans are far from being innocent here, but still, any attempts to get things back on track have been quickly shoved aside by old 'Dingy' and his posse of corrupt, power hungry Democrats. They're on a mission here, and will let nothing stand in their way!

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