

Sunday, December 23, 2012


Once again Democrats, backed up by their many minions in the state-controlled media, are very busy at work trying to seize upon the emotion of a tragedy. They are once again desperately trying to justify their claims that if we could only increase gun control laws, literally 10’s of thousands of lives would be saved every single year. But what this is, is nothing more than another effort of theirs to further a sinister political agenda that, if we allow it to continue, will further reduce the level of freedom that each one of us enjoy here in these United States. We Americans are a very shortsighted bunch, as we have this tendency of losing sight of what is the big picture. And sleazy Democrats, as well as many of those in our state-controlled media, are only too happy to attempt to use that affliction, as they try to manipulate us into going along with their drive to curb yet another of what are our Constitutional ‘rights.’

Just imagine for a minute how it is that 90,000 Americans die in a hospital every single year. Or one American dies in a hospital from a medical error or a lethal infection every 6 minutes. Apparently, Americans are much safer at home where 54,500 Americans die every year, or one American is killed in an accident at home every 10 minutes. And things are nearly as bad on our highways where 46,844 are killed every year, or one American killed by a traffic accident every 11 minutes. And believe it or not, 40,059 die every year from poisoning, or one American accidentally poisoned to death every 13 minutes. Falls kill 22,631 Americans every year, or one American killed in a fall every 23 minutes. Drunk driving kills 10,288 Americans every year with 28 Americans getting killed every day, while drowning kills 3,443 Americans a year, or 9 Americans every day. Homicide 18,361 One American murdered every 29 minutes.

Back 2009, which were the most recent statistics that I could find regarding the total number of deaths caused by various diseases, the total number of deaths in the United States stood at 2,437,163. At that time there were 793.8 deaths per 100,000 population, life expectancy was 78.5 years and the infant Mortality rate: 6.39 deaths per 1,000 live births. At that time the number of deaths and the leading causes were: 1) Heart disease: 599,413, 2) Cancer: 567,628, 3) Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 137,353, 4) Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 128,842, 4) Accidents (unintentional injuries): 118,021, 5) Alzheimer's disease: 79,003, 6) Diabetes: 68,705, 7) Influenza and Pneumonia: 53,692, 8) Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 48,935, and 9) Intentional self-harm (suicide): 36,909.

Now granted, any death that could somehow have been prevented is always a tragedy. But having said that, don’t you think it just a bit unseemly for politicians to so obviously seek ways to exploit that tragedy for no other reason than to further their specific political agenda? Over the years we have time and again seen how Democrats can be quite skilled in their attempts to create Constitutional rights where none exist, while that the same time working feverishly to squelch those rights that are made quite clear in the words as they are written. And what we are now witnessing, once again, is yet another attempt by Democrats, and a very liberal media acting as their willing accomplices, to use another tragedy as a way to circumvent that which the Constitution says is one of our rights as Americans. And isn’t it sad that they mourn not for the children who lost their lives, but seek to use their needless deaths as a political tool?

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