

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Bob "I'm Proud To Be A Communist" King, president of the United Auto Workers Union, is now out there telling just about anyone who will listen, which is just about everyone in the state-controlled media, that Michigan's new right-to-work law is "bad for working families." And why is that you ask? Why, it's because it will lower wages and reduce benefits for not only union workers, but nonunion workers as well. You'll notice his little attempt here at trying to draw nonunion folks into the fray. His downright silly assessment of things came during an appearance on, of course, MSNBC, when King was asked about the new law's effects on the auto workers' union.

Spewing the standard line for those in his line of 'work', this moron said, "You know, I'm not worried about the immediate effect on the UAW. I'm worried about the impact on society. This has got to be seen as part of a right-wing agenda. And this lame-duck, they're not only attacking labor, they're attacking women's reproductive rights, they're attacking teachers and schools. They're attacking everything that's good for working families. "This right-wing agenda has got to be stopped," King continued. He continued by saying, "Labor, civil rights, faith community, LGBT, environmentalists -- all of us got to come together and stand up for an America that has prosperity for everybody. Not just for CEOs and the greedy few at the top."

And then of course we had one of everybody's favorite 'faux' reverends, Jesse "The Extortionist" Jackson, putting in an appearance with King on MSNBC. This 'load' is better than just about anybody, other than Al "Bull Horn" Sharpton, when it comes to finding a stray television camera to plaster his ugly mug in front of. During the 'interview' this pathetic turd actually called for a worker's strike and a march on Washington. "I'm convinced workers must fight back in measure," Jackson said. Adding, "A major one-day workers strike to make their presence felt maybe. A major march on Washington for jobs and justice. Too much poverty affecting millions of people. Too many unemployed people." Blah, blah, blah!!!

Jesse also had to bring into the conversation what he sees as being the gap between wealthy people and the poor workers whom the evil rich take advantage of. He said, "Workers have a right to expect liberal wages, health care, education care, the right to vote protected, and educate their children. These rights that are reasonable and should be enforced." Now what the two Michigan laws actually do is to make union membership and payment of dues voluntary for both private and public sector unions. Police and firefighters are exempted, and so are existing union contracts until they expire. Now that workers won't have to pay union dues as a condition of employment, the law weakens unions by draining their coffers.

So, all of the drivel that we continue to hear from folks like Jackson and this union dope, King, is just that, pure unadulterated drivel. And I have a little question here, why is it seen as being 'fair', to use Barry's favorite word of late, that as a condition of employment, someone must be literally forced into paying union dues? It's not fair, and this Michigan law becomes just the latest attempt to rectify what is a very unfair situation. Now, you'd think that Barry would be all for it, but apparently his concept of what actually constitutes fairness is kind of narrow and varies depending upon who it is that's involved. For the evil rich there's one definition of fairness but for the poor exploited worker there seems to be another.

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