

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


In a move that is unlikely to slow its rapidly decreasing circulation, Time Magazine has named as its "Person of the Year" for 2012 none other than our "Lord and Savior", Barack Hussein Obama. Time Editor, Rick Stengel, stated the rationale for doing so as, "We are in the midst of historic cultural and demographic changes, and Obama is both the symbol and in some ways the architect of this new America." At least that’s the way this moron described the methodology behind the selecting of Barry when he appeared on NBC’s "Today" show, where he announced the selection on Wednesday.

Well, I will agree with Stengel on one point, that being that Barry is in fact the perfect symbol of what, sadly, has become the ‘new’ America. When Barry was first elected, America, while it was struggling, economically and fiscally, it was still essentially a free country. What Barry has done here is to turn it into what has become nothing more a third rate socialist banana-type republic. And for that, Time has seen fit to identify Barry as being its person of the year? I have not read this rag of a magazine in many years, and I see no reason to start now. Those on the left may enjoy perusing it propaganda filled pages, but not me.

The short list for the honor, and the others that Barry apparently beat out, supposedly included Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani teenager who was shot in the head for advocating for girls’ education, as well as Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi, Apple CEO Tim Cook and Italian physicist Fabiola Giannati. And, of course, this isn’t the first time that Barry has been bestowed with the ‘honor; he also received the honor in 2008, when he was President-elect. In an interview with Time, Barry said his re-election "may have been more satisfying a win than 2008." "We’ve gone through a very difficult time," Barry said.

Barry then went on to spew, using what has become his standard brand of bullshit, saying, "The American people have rightly been frustrated at the pace of change, and the economy is still struggling, and this president we elected is imperfect, and yet, despite all that, this is who we want to be. That’s a good thing." When looking back over the four years with the millions more that are now unemployed, the millions more on food stamps, the millions more on some sort of government assistance, our credit rating having been lowered once and on the verge of being lowered yet again, it’s difficult for me to see what qualifies this guy for such an ‘honor’.  Or maybe, those were just the qualifications Time was looking for!

And remember now, that it was just last year that Time ‘honored’ "The Protester," citing dissent across the Middle East that spread to Europe and the United States, saying the protesters reshaped global politics. It is said that Time’s "Person of the Year" is supposed to be the person or thing that has most influenced the culture and the news during the past year for good or for ill. In actuality, it’s nothing more than one more example of the level of propaganda that permeates our state-controlled media complex. Objectivity no longer exists in the current environment of media bias. The majority of today’s media makes up what is essentially nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party.

1 comment:

  1. i think he got it just because he was black and president of america. i fail to see any contribution from him which is worth mentioning and which had global implications.
