

Thursday, December 6, 2012


You know, when you happen to be quite the corrupt member of Congress, as is Ms. Waters, it always helps if you also happen be a member of the very corrupt Democrat Party. And also, it most certainly always helps your case if you also happen to be black. Ms. Waters is both! The race card always works very well, performing the same function as a get out of jail free card. And the only reason I say that is that just months after being 'cleared' of some pretty serious ethics violation charges, Waters was, just this past Tuesday named as the top-ranking Democrat on, of all things, the House Financial Services Committee.

Our favorite, and very corrupt, Democrat congresswoman has supposedly promised to work with Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas), the committee’s new chairman, to help reform housing finance. "Housing finance reform, in particular, will be crucial to ensuring the long-term success and stability of our economy. I believe we need a financial system that facilitates economic opportunity and wealth creation for all, and I stand ready to work with my colleagues towards that goal," she said. Look, the fact that this blatantly corrupt bitch could now be in such a position demonstrates, in very stark terms, just how badly broken the system is!

However, while this flaming nut, Waters, said in a statement that she hoped both Rep. Hensarling and herself could "reconcile [their] visions" concerning housing finance reform, there is obviously very little hope the two will find any common ground in regard to the idiotic Dodd-Frank 'financial reform' law. "I look forward to working with my colleagues to protect, defend and implement the important provisions of Dodd-Frank," said Rep. Waters, stressing her vow to defend the controversial bill from conservatives who’d rather see it done away with. Obviously she has no interest, whatsoever, in solving any of our financial problems.

No surprise that Rep. Waters was the immediate choice of Democrats to replace Rep. Bawney "what housing bubble?" Fwank after he announced, thankfully, that he would not be running again in 2012. However, her nomination was held up by an investigation regarding bailout funds that were somehow directed toward a bank where her husband owns stock. She had been under investigation since 2009, starting with the independent Office of Congressional Ethics. The case shifted to the Ethics Committee, where it has caused much dissension and the very typical charges of racism.

But the old girl was somehow mysteriously cleared of any and all wrongdoing in September after, I assume, she was apparently successful in her effort to convince her grandson, Mikael Moore, to take the fall. And I'm certain it come as no surprise that this corrupt old hag was unanimously selected to be the ranking member of the committee Tuesday by the House Democratic Caucus. With Democrats, corruption of any type, just like all manner of sexual misconduct or drug abuse, is seen as being nothing more than a resume enhancer. There's never any actual punishment that's ever warranted, only a job promotion.

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