

Thursday, December 6, 2012


This jerk talks about the fact that blacks don't respect one another and that we have, today, more young black men in prison than we do in college.  Let's not forget, here, that he's also the same clown who said that blacks needed to go out and vote for Barry "Almighty" because he's black.  Guys like Barkley don't deserve to be listened anymore than do your typical racebaiting morons like Sharpton and Jackson.  They continue to convince blacks to vote for those who are only intent upon using blacks as a means to their own selfish end.  And it's too bad, it really is.  And if this clown actually cared about the plight of his fellow blacks as much as he claim, then he'd out there showing these people how it is the that Democrat Party is doing nothing more than conning them.  But nope, not old Chuck Barkley.

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