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Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Thanks to loudmouthed, self-serving bigots like those supposed men of God, Jesse "The Extortionist" Jackson and Al "Bull Horn" Sharpton, to name just a couple, who have created for themselves a very profitable business out of doing nothing more than the pushing of racial hatred, far too many blacks today operate under the rather misguided notion that the GOP consists only of rich racist white people. However, in reality, things are really quite different. And something about which I’m certain most blacks have no clue, is the fact that the GOP was founded to free blacks. And only five years after slavery ended, there were black congressmen, all Republicans. The KKK, Jim Crow laws, segregation, and denying blacks the right to vote were all created by the Democrat Party and all in an effort to keep blacks ignorant and in their proper place. After all, they didn’t need no uppity blacks.
Even today, Democrats are still desperate to "keep blacks in their place", which is very firmly on the Democrat plantation. They do so by telling them that without lowered standards, or affirmative action, or all manner of special programs and taxpayer funded freebies, blacks have no hope of ever being able to succeed. Democrats constantly send blacks the message that, no matter how hard they may try, they’re just not as smart was whites. For example, Democrats love to claim that having to show ID when voting only serves to disenfranchises blacks. This is merely a tactic by which the Democrats implement voter fraud. However what they’re really saying is that blacks are simply too stupid to find their way to the DMV or other places to acquire a proper ID. This is just one example of numerous ways Democrats tell blacks they are inferior and need Democrats' help to succeed.
Republicans, on the other hand, whether blacks wish to believe it or not, chose to deal with blacks on a much more respectful level and as, dare I say, equals. They believe that blacks are more than capable enough to succeed all on their own. The Democrat approach, because the party thrives on blacks believing themselves to be victims, despite being blessed to be born in the greatest land of opportunity on the planet, is very different. After all, foreigners are trying to get to America in cardboard boats held together with duct tape. Democrats punish and hate blacks who compete with whites and succeed without Democrat lowered standards and involvement. While sold as compassion and "fairness," Democrat programs are always about making as many people as possible dependent on government to secure/buy votes. In the long run, all Democrat policies and programs only hurt people!
Obviously, there remains a very significant number of black racists who would much rather believe the lie than the truth. Blacks can continue to view all white as racists if they wish, but if they hope to ever advance beyond that, they need to take a good long look at themselves in the mirror. They need to rid themselves of the notion that just because of slavery, they have a right to be racist. Racism is evil, period, whether it comes from blacks or whites. In reality, history confirms that the black community has been sleeping with the enemy for years by monolithically voting Democrat. News flash, black voters: the Democrats "ain't" your friends. Every program which serves to demean and stifle blacks has come, and continues to come, from the Democrats. Republicans continue to be the party extremely supportive of black individuality, the party full of nurturers of black entrepreneurial success.
Democrats still refuse to allow blacks beyond the borders of their plantation and they do so by way of increasingly more costly government handouts -- thus keeping blacks dependent on government, thus keeping blacks voting for Democrats, who promise to give them all manner of ‘free’ stuff via programs. To make their scam work, Democrats also tell blacks that Republicans are burning the midnight oil planning new ways to "keep them down." Thus blacks are made to believe that they need Democrats in order to keep evil rich white Republicans off your backs. In a nutshell, blacks are being played by the Democrats. But they don’t see that because they are essentially being betrayed by many in their own community, those ‘leaders’, who in exchange for a seat at the Democrat Party table, act as willing accomplices is the spreading of that which they know is nothing but a lie.
Now, if I may, I’d like to talk a little about the Tea Party. First of all, anyone who actually thinks the Tea Party is racist is completely ignorant of the facts beside being just plain wrong! I am sorry, but that is the gospel truth. You too are being "played" by the Democrats and their many cohorts in the state-controlled media, who also "secretly" think that blacks are inferior and need their help to succeed. Tea Party folks do not oppose Barry's policies because of his skin color, they oppose them because they are harming this country. And it only serves to inflame when a Congressional Black Caucus member says that the white folks at the Tea Parties want to "see blacks hanging from trees." Such a statement is nothing short of irresponsible, absurd, shameful, and divisively evil. In other words, all about ginning up racial hate and securing votes for Barry. To me that’s simply despicable!
Anyway, as far as I’m concerned, blacks in this country continue to be their own worst enemy. And as long as they remain too stupid to recognize the fact that the Democrat Party wishes nothing more than to be able to use them, and pretty much at will, they’ll get no sympathy from me. Of course the down side to that is the fact that as long as they stubbornly refuse to vote for someone other than Democrats the entire country will be made to suffer. Sadly, until blacks come to recognize the fact that, by hitching their wagon to the Democrat Party, they have succeeded in doing nothing more than to guarantee themselves a life of dependency on a government that cares very little if they are ever able to succeed in life not much will change. And as long as they vote for a party which prefers that they don’t succeed, they have created for themselves a life that is much less that it could be.
Racist Democrats
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