

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


When looking over how it is that liberals come to determine economic policy, it’s always important to keep in mind that they tend to view such things as food stamps and unemployment ‘benefits’ as being those things that stimulate the economy much better than do such things as lower taxes and creating an environment that’s actually conducive for job creation. And nothing proves this point better than to look back over the last 5 years where we see that only a tad bit more than 400,000 ‘new’ full-time jobs were actually created, while at the same time 11 Million folks were chased from the nation’s workforce. Meanwhile, the number of folks who now depend on the government to feed them, courtesy of food stamps, has now ballooned to over 47 Million people.

And in what was described as being a Thanksgiving Day message which was posted on the White House website, it was noted how the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), aka food stamps, now ‘helps’ millions of Americans put food on their table and has actually been quite successful in keeping millions of Americans out of poverty. And in what I would think is something that would normally be viewed as being sort of an indictment of the last five years, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the number of Americans now on food stamps has gone up by a staggering 67.7 percent. In other words since Barry first became president, he has been far more successful in his efforts to get people hooked on the government, than he has been in encouraging job creation.

Anyway, and as hysterically stupid as this may sound, this idiotic little propaganda website also went on to make the rather ludicrous claim, "What's more, SNAP is boosting the economy right now," the infographic says. "SNAP's effect extends beyond the food on a family's table--to the grocery stores, truck drivers, warehouses, processing plants and farmers that helped get it there." According to the White House says every $5 in new SNAP benefits generates as much as $9 in economic activity for participating grocery stores and farmer's markets. "It's estimated that an additional $1 billion in SNAP benefits supports an additional 8,900 to 17,900 full-time-equivalent jobs -- including 3,000 farm jobs," so claimed the White House. So I guess those on food stamps are seen as doing their part to strengthen the economy?

Then this cockamamie bullshit message turned into what was essentially nothing more than a political ad as it went on tell those who wasted the amount of time that it took to visit the site, that as they prepared for their Thanksgiving feasts, a bill being put forward by those evil Republicans would cause nearly 4 million Americans to lose their taxpayer-funded food money next year. Now the Republican legislation being referenced here, that was sponsored by Eric Cantor (R-Va.), would cut around $4 billion annually from the $80 billion-a-year food stamp program and allow states to set new work requirements for recipients. The truth is that at some point there will simply be no more money, and then instead of it being cut by such a trivial amount, it will simply come to an end.

People who need food stamps will continue to get them, Cantor said after the House passed the bill this past September. But, he said, "if you're able-bodied, you should be willing to work." And if no jobs are available, "you could go and participate in community service activities or a workfare program." And while that may, in fact, sound reasonable to many, old ‘Dingy Harry’ Reid, of course, said the Senate would never pass what he described as being "such hateful, punitive legislation." In fiscal 2013, a record 47,666,124 people were getting SNAP benefits, compared with 28,409,880 in fiscal 2008, which ended on Sept. 30, 2008--and was the last full fiscal year before Obama took office in January 2009. That is an increase of 19,256,244--or 67.7 percent--in five years.

So I ask you, if forcing more and more people onto the government dole is such a boon to our economy, then why not take things a step further and force every man, woman and child in the country onto some form of government assistance. If we were to do that wouldn’t that tend to stimulate our economy even more? Such is the bizarre logic that Barry and the Democrats are trying to get us to actually accept. And the sad thing is, is that there are plenty of morons who seem to be more than willing to do just that. I know, I work with some of them. And it would seem that those same folks are able to find some level of humor in the current mess that our country is currently in, which has only been made worse by the guy they voted for. And that I just don’t quite get.

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