

Monday, December 16, 2013


Once again we have those who proudly identify themselves as being "establishment Republicans" are showing us which side they are on as they set about the business of throwing we the American people under the proverbial bus. Their latest tactic is to now go about warning important donors that they could possibly lose support in Congress on defense contracts and other issues if they don't step up to help beat back Tea Party primary challenges to incumbent senators. Which proves that we the people must take matters into our own hands!

According to the Wall Street Journal, one of those good ol’ boys, and a guy who’s about as useless as a screen door on a submarine, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, recently warned officials from defense contractor BAE Systems Inc. that if Tea Party factions begin winning primaries, military spending will take a hit. This proves that there is pretty much nothing that old Mitch won’t say in his effort to stave off attempts by conservatives to increase their numbers. We need no more moderates like this guy.

"In the current debate, spending cuts have trumped robust national-security spending," one person who attended a fundraiser for the Kentucky Republican, told the Journal. "The main message he was pushing was: Get involved, mainly to teach those who are primarying incumbents that it is not helpful to run against incumbents who are champions for the industry." What we need are some stalwart conservative champions who are willing to stand up for the American people and against the status quo!

More than half of the 12 Senate Republicans up for reelection in 2014, including McConnell, face challenges from Tea Party candidates. Personally I think that that is a great idea. But McConnell doesn’t see it that way, and has been very busy, as a number of others have, in warning potential contributors that if Republicans and their supporters can’t come together, the party has no chance of taking back control of the Senate. I would argue that the Tea Party helps in that endeavor. People want to see a clear and obvious difference.

And then of course we have our joke of a House Speaker, John Boehner of Ohio. He’s another spineless wimp who has, on a number of occasions, lobbied for establishment Republicans to beat back their Tea Party brethren. He recently had a tantrum accusing the group of handicapping the party by "forcing GOP lawmakers to take ill-advised policy positions," a reference to the federal government shutdown, which many Americans blamed on Republicans. Actually, it was more of a shutdown that wasn’t, and had very little of an impact.

And the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has also chose to now enter the fray by pouring money into the coffers of establishment candidates from Alabama to Idaho, candidates who tend to be much more ‘moderate’ than do their Tea Party-aligned challengers to the right. The Chamber blames the grass roots faction for holding the country hostage by demanding the defunding of Obamacare, resulting in the 16-day ‘partial’ government shutdown in October. However, the Chamber also favors amnesty for illegal aliens and is pressing for it’s passage.

The Tea Party is "a reactionary conservative force . . . that prefers the sorts of dramatic changes that threaten the stability traditional conservatives usually seek to preserve," writes University of Washington political scientist Christopher Parker, author of "Change They Can’t Believe In," in a blog piece from, of course, none other than the Washington Post. What else can we expect from this rag? They root not for the American people, but for Democrats and Democrat wannabes like McConnell and Boehner. We need those who are true conservatives!

"Reactionary conservatives fear losing their way of life amid social change. To preserve their group’s social prestige, they’re willing to undermine long-established norms and institutions," Parker observes. "Furthermore, reactionary conservatives are more likely to subscribe to conspiracy theories as a means of explaining the perceived erosion of their dominance. Reactionary conservatives will, therefore, claim that their "enemies" are destroying their way of life. Compromise is commensurate with defeat, not political expediency." That’s bullshit!

Many people, these days, see very little difference between these establishment Republicans and Democrats. And I’m one of them. Next November we will have what many say is an excellent opportunity to take back the senate, and if folks, when stepping to the voting booth, see little or no difference between the candidates running, where’s the incentive to vote for the candidate with the R after his or her name? Every single incumbent on our side of the aisle should be sent packing. They have proven to be useless and self-serving.

And as proof of that I offer up the fact that the Senate Republicans chose to stand with ‘Dingy Harry’ Reid rather than the House Republicans on the defunding of Obamacare. And add to that the fact that I’m now hearing rumors about how these establishment Republicans are about to cave not only on amnesty but also on raising the minimum wage. That’s insanity! What we need are people who are not afraid to advocate what we need to do in order to prevent Barry and his merry band of Democrats from moving any further with destruction of America.

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