

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


And here we have yet another public official, this time in the person of Susan Rice, who were it not for the fact that she’s black, would most definitely be unemployed. It was in a recent "60 Minutes" interview on the Communist Broadcasting System, aka CBS, that this brainless bimbo said, in referencing the September 11, 2012 terror attack in Benghazi, Libya that, "I don't have time to think about a false controversy." You’ll remember that we lost four of our fellow Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens in that attack, through what was nothing more than pure negligence on the part of Barry "Almighty" and Hitlery Clinton.

And I’m also quite sure you will remember how it was that Ms. Rice, five days later, made the rounds to all five Sunday talk shows insisting, and rather forcefully so, that the attack was a spontaneous event arising from a little-known anti-Muslim YouTube video knowing full well that what she was saying was nothing more than a blatant lie. In simply evading the issue, Rice told "60 Minutes" questioner Leslie Stahl, "In the midst of all of the swirl about things like talking points, the administration's been working very, very hard across the globe to review our security of our embassies and our facilities. That's what we ought to be focused on."

And yet, even with all of this, what Rice describes as being, "very, very hard" work, we’re no closer to finding out who killed those four brave Americans than we were on September 13, 2012. Because it continues to be seen by those who profess to be our leaders as being something that remains, quite simply, no big deal. It’s because of a, "they knew the job was dangerous when they took it" mentality that is possessed by these people, these supposed ‘leaders’, and therefore it requires no further serious action to be taken. Those in charge today view ALL those who perform in the service of their country as simply being expendable.   

And when questioned regarding why it was than then-Secretary of State Hitlery Clinton didn't do the interviews on Sunday, Sept. 16, 2012, Rice opined, "She had just gone through an incredibly painful and stressful week. Secretary Clinton -- as our chief diplomat -- had to reach out to the families, had to greet the bodies upon their arrival at Andrews Air Force Base. If I were her, the last thing I would have wanted to do is five Sunday morning talk shows. So I think it's perfectly understandable. So when the White House asked me, I agreed to do it." And yet, apparently, Hitlery somehow still feels that she is somehow capable of being president?

I mean, really, if Hitlery can be so stressed out because of a single terrorist attack, how is it, exactly, that she can at the same time feel that she is up to the challenge of being president? And let’s face it, as secretary of state her performance was less than stellar and barely competent. There were no great achievements during her tenure, in fact, I think one can safely argue that our foreign policy was in much worse shape after her being in the position than it was before. And with john Kerry-Heinz coming in as her relief, things have only continued to deteriorate, and at an expedited rate. Further proof of how the incompetent are able to thrive in the era of Barry.

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