

Friday, December 20, 2013


Ex-president, and the man who seems to look at, with some level of pride, the fact that he joins Andrew Johnson, another Democrat, on the list of impeached presidents, 'Slick Willie' Clinton, claims that if U.S. lawmakers realized the economic impact of having the country’s population growth coming to a halt, it would energize immigration reform, "because it’s the only way to keep our country growing." This is but the latest reason to be floated by a Democrat and for no other reason than the desire of the Democrat Party to create millions of new voters.

But anyway, the 'Slickmeister' made his rather idiotic comments while discussing immigration reform earlier this month on something called the "America with Jorge Ramos" program. "I think that we're trying to pass immigration reform. The country needs it. If – I wish that all these members of Congress who oppose immigration reform, and who feel threatened by it, had been with me on my recent trip to Asia," "BJ" said. This guy would make a good used car salesman. He’ll say absolutely anything if he thinks there’s a chance that it will be believed.

Then old Slick went on to say, "And they – and Japan and China where they're worried about the population growth just coming to a halt. And what it's going to do to them economically," Clinton continued. "And I think it would give a lot more energy to immigration reform in America. The – we're going to have to do it, because it's the only way to keep our country growing. And the sooner we do it, the better." His entire argument makes absolutely no sense, unless, of course, you’re either a Democrat or a RINO. Then it makes complete sense.

But look, at a time when we have a ‘real unemployment’ rate that is well into double-digits, and even much worse for minorities, and the fact that over 11 Million people have now left the nation’s workforce, most because they couldn’t find a job, in just the last 5 years, I simply don’t see the logic behind his silly argument. And also when you take into account the fact that over 1,200 abortions occur in this country every single day and nearly 57 Million have taken place since 1973, and his argument becomes even more nonsensical.

Population growth, as it relates to our economy is a non-issue. We have more than enough people in this country without suddenly granting amnesty to the millions who are here "ILLEGALLY". As I said, the ONLY reason Democrats favor what’s commonly referred to as ‘comprehensive immigration reform’ is because they are quite confident in the fact that the vast majority of those illegal immigrants will be only too happy, once being declared legal citizens, to troop off to the polls and vote for Democrats who will likely return that favor by ensuring the gravy train continues to roll.

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