

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


When it comes to recruiting some of the sleaziest characters that can be found anywhere on the American left, no one can top the administration of Barack Hussein Obama. This cadre of unseemly reprobates acts like a magnet when it comes to attracting all manner of slimy huckster, sleazy political hack and corrupt race baiter affiliated with the Democrat Party. The most recent addition to this cast of disgusting characters, is John Podesta, former chief of staff to ‘Slick Willie’ Clinton. This reject from the human race has been quoted as saying in a recently published Politico magazine article, that the White House needs "to focus on executive action given that they are facing a second term against a cult worthy of Jonestown in charge of one of the houses of Congress." This is what passes for civility these days from those who call the Democrat Party home. Because, you see, civility, like compromise, is something always meant for the other guys, never for those on the left.

And then on Wednesday this pathetic creep provided what was described as being an apology for comparing Republican opposition to Barry "Almighty" to the infamous Jonestown cult that inspired more than 900 people to die by cyanide poisoning in 1978. The White House needs "to focus on executive action given that they are facing a second term against a cult worthy of Jonestown in charge of one of the houses of Congress," Podesta was quoted as saying in a Politico magazine article that was published on Tuesday. He also said, "I think (Obama administration officials) were naturally preoccupied with legislating at first, and I think it took them a while to make the turn to execution. They are focused on that now." Adding, "They have to realize that the president has broad authority, that he’s not just the prime minister. He can drive a whole range of action. They always grasped that on foreign policy and in the national security area. Now they are doing it on the domestic side."

Podesta, in case you were unaware of who this hack is, is the rather unsavory character who founded the ultra-liberal think tank, Center for American Progress, in 2003. This rant of his was met with swift pushback from conservatives. GOP strategist, Rory Cooper tweeted, "Dem Rep. Ryan was killed in Jonestown. His then-aide, Rep. Speier was shot (five times)." He went on to say, "Podesta’s comments show them no honor." And then Brendan Buck, spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner, tweeted, "John Podesta seems like a real class act." Podesta offered a hasty apology for the "old interview." He spoke to Politico in the fall, before he was tapped to join Barry. "In an old interview, my snark got in front of my judgment," Podesta tweeted Wednesday. And said, "I apologize to Speaker Boehner, whom I have always respected." Look, this is the way those on the left operate. They think that they can get away with saying some of the most toxic rhetoric, and if they get called on it, they can just ‘apologize’, sort of.

Podesta was brought in to advise the White House regarding the growing list problems that seem to have engulfed Barry’s second term including the growing number of scandals and the rather rough reception for Obamacare brought about primarily by the rather rocky rollout. This is how liberals deal with things, far from reverting to actually fessing up on things or, heaven forbid, telling the truth, they resort to bringing in some slimy public relation kind of guy in the hopes of being able to hoodwink the American people. The attempt here will be, as is always the case, portray those who are trying to get to the bottom of the growing corruption of this administration, as being the true bad guys. Accusing them of trying to prevent Barry from, say, spending us into oblivion, for no other reason than because Barry is black. Even though, the fact that Barry is black has nothing to do with why he needs to be stopped, it’s because he’s a committed Socialist, and has shown that he’s determined to destroy this country.

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