

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


I sit at my desk every day in my place of employment, and I listen. And then I wonder. I wonder how is that people who possess at least some level of college education can be so stupid. Well, maybe stupid is a bit too harsh, let’s just say they are clueless. But it’s a level of being clueless that can be said to go to the extreme, and it’s what can also be said to make them, at least, appear as if they are stupid. And judging by some of the most incredibly stupid gibberish I hear come out of their mouths, I feel that it would be a pretty safe bet that most of them voted for Barry. One or two proudly claim to be independents as if making such a declaration somehow makes them better than those of us who identify with a specific political party.

I consider myself to be someone who is relatively well informed. And so I can say with some level of confidence, that most of what I hear being said by the inhabitants of the surrounding cubicles would seem to indicate that they, most definitely, are not. They sound as if they spend most of their time listening to CNN or perhaps even MSNBC. And there are many instances where they will say something that I know is simply untrue, but I simply bite my tongue unable to take the opportunity to enlighten them. It is a work environment, after all, and there are far more of them than there are of me. But if they only knew how stupid they really sound, and how hard I’m laughing at them, on the inside. Not that it would matter, I suppose.

Now there has been a time or two when I’ve let their stupidity get the better of me and I have felt compelled to say something. But it just seems to go in one ear and out the other. They live in a state of denial that can be described as being nearly impregnable. It’s really quite amazing how someone can deny that which is taking place right before their eyes. And I’m rather dumfounded how they can spend their days laughing and joking as if everything is going just fine. It’s as if they’re oblivious to our massive debt or how it is that the government is encroaching farther and farther into their private lives, or how every trip to the grocery store or gas station continues to get increasingly more costly. They don’t seem to care that our way of life is hanging by a thread.

And, frankly, what I find to be most amazing is the fact that I think every one of these people, or at least most of them, have children. And I can only assume that it must bother them very little that the man, as well as the party, that they seem to be so enamored with, has saddled their kids with an amount of debt that they will have no hope of ever being able to pay back. And they are quite comfortably clueless regarding what the effects of possessing such a massive debt are. And they apparently have given very little thought to what might happen were those holding that debt, for instance Red China, suddenly demand payment in full. Because what might it be that could handed over, in lieu of repayment of our debt, that would be acceptable to the Red Chinese?

So these are the things that I worry about, things that are very likely to have a rather drastic effect on the life of my daughter. I must admit I do get somewhat disheartened whenever I catch myself spending too much time looking out into the future. And what I see there has caused me many sleepless nights. Sometimes I wish I could be more like those with whom I work. What must it be like to be able to go through life pretending that everything is just fine and that there’s nothing to worry about. But try as I might, I just can’t. I am extremely disappointed in a great many of my fellow Americans, I had hoped they would be more protective of the freedoms that we have been blessed with. Instead they seem only too eager to lose them.

And just one last thing. I would like to ask all those who stop by here to please join me in saying a little prayer every night for our ailing republic. Because short of some pretty serious divine intervention, I’m afraid that it may not be around all that much longer. As it is, it’s already become barely recognizable.

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