

Monday, December 16, 2013


According to that well-known liberal douchebag, Chuckie Schumer, the time has now come for those of us who comprise the nation’s retired veterans, to pony up and to pay our "fair share" by facing some long overdue cuts in what are our already rather paltry benefits as the federal government goes about looking for more ways to trim expenditures. I have a better idea. Why don’t we start with useless fucks like old Chuckie, here, along with those members of Congress who have since moved to what are, most assuredly, some pretty cushy retirements? Those overpaid scumbags bring home more in 1 year than I do in 5.

Schumer made this idiotic suggestion in an appearance, where else but, on the network that has essentially become nothing more than a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Democrat Party, MSNBC. And in appearing on "Morning Joe", Schumer said, "Civilian federal employees have been cut, cut, cut. I think there was a feeling, if you're going to cut them further, which was done, that the military retirees should have about an equal amount. It's small." As much as this old dolt would like us all to believe those poor federal employees have been made to shoulder so much more of the burden, it’s really just a crock.

In the budget plan brokered by RINO Paul Ryan and Democrat Patty Murray, military service personnel under the age of 62 would take a one percent cut to retirement benefits. The move has drawn fire from military and veterans organizations. And it was while speaking of this supposed compromise that Chuckie said, "I think (Rep.) Paul Ryan and (Sen.) Patty Murray looked everywhere they could to try and find compromise. Everybody had to take a little." This guy is such a liar. Had they truly looked everywhere, as has been claimed, they could have very easily come up with sufficient saving, but the chose not to.

But Schumer maintained members of Congress should not be forced to take a pay cut. He said they have already sacrificed, since they have not seen a pay raise "in a long time," and explained most of them are paying more for healthcare insurance. Sacrificed, really? This asshole doesn’t know the meaning of the word. These useless individuals make $174,000 per year , with those in what are called leadership positions make $193,400 while the Speaker brings home $223,500. And that doesn’t include their rather impressive list of benefits. And he has the nerve to say, "We have taken pretty big cuts."

And then in sounding quite confident, which I suppose he has every reason to be, old Chuckie went on to predict that the bill will pass the Senate, saying Democrats would "reluctantly vote for it" because they realize the threat of a government shutdown is a "brutal alternative." Come on, it was the Democrats who forced the last ‘partial’ shutdown. And what’s he mean that Democrats will vote for it, reluctantly? Why shouldn’t they vote for it? It essentially guts sequester which is exactly what they wanted to have happen and what our spineless Republicans were only too willing to hand over.

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