

Friday, December 20, 2013


Man, it must be stressful being our Despot-in-Chief. Let’s face it, how else can you explain the fact that Barry "Almighty", who departed today on yet another taxpayer funded vacation in Hawaii, and one that will reportedly last until Jan. 5, took more annual vacation days on average in his first term than your average private-sector worker gets after 20 years on the job. Barry took an average of 21.5 vacations days per year in his first four years as our fearless leader. By comparison, private-industry workers here in the good old U. S. of A. who have at least 20 years on the job get an average of 19 days of paid vacation per year. And, by the way, they don’t have the luxury of having the U.S. taxpayers to pick up the tab. They have to pay for their vacations.

The Government Accountability Institute (GAI), headed up by some guy named Peter Schweizer (who is also a research fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University), published a study of Barry’s calendar on April 28, 2013 that included an accounting of the vacation days Barry took from his coronation on January 20, 2009 through March of this year. According to GAI’s accounting, Barry took 21 vacation days in 2009, 34 in 2010, 20 in 2011, 7 during his re-election-campaign year of 2012, and 4 in January 2013 before his second inauguration on Jan. 20, 2013 marked the end of his first four years in office. The 86 cumulative vacation days that Barry took in his first four years in office worked out to an average of 21.5 days per year.

Even if you do not count the four days of vacation Barry took in early January 2013, before the end of his fourth year in office on January 20, 2013, the 82 days of cumulative vacation he took in his first four calendar years in office equals an average of 20.5 per year, which is still more than the 19 paid vacation days per year that the average private-industry worker gets after 20 years on the job. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, workers in private industry get an average of 10 days of paid vacation after they have been at the job one year; they get an average of 14 days paid vacation after they have been at the job five years; 17 days after they have been at the job 10 years; and 19 days after they have been at the job 20 years.

It would difficult for anyone to deny the fact Barry is easily the most expensive president in U.S. history. For example, in his first three years, Barry and family enjoyed 16 vacations. It was in 2010 that their trip to Hawaii cost American taxpayers $1.5 million. And I’m sure we all remember when Barry and his Mrs. enjoyed a "date night" in New York City for about $240,000. In 2011 alone, Barry’s travel expenses total $1.4 Billion, in comparison to, say, the royal family of England whose travel cost was only $57.8 Million. In addition, there was the Obamas' Christmas holiday that year, for 17 days, and that totaled $4 Million. And then we had Barry’s weeklong family vacation to Africa this past year, which exceeded $100 million.

If there is one thing that Barry has demonstrated a knack for, it’s the talent he has for wasting other people’s money. And while most hardworking Americans have a difficult time remembering the last time they were able to take their family on a nice vacation, Barry, would have no such problem. But hey, they only have the stress of having to deal with the pressures brought about by they’re trying to provide for their family. You know, like being able to put food on the table, putting their kid, or kids, through college and making sure they can pay their bills. Now Barry, on the other hand, why, the stress that he must deal with on a daily basis, by comparison, literally demands that he take not only numerous vacations, but also very costly ones.

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