

Monday, December 30, 2013


Ya know, these days anyone looking for still more evidence that Charlie Rangel has become more than just a bit demented, certainly wouldn’t need to look very far or very hard. Because it was recently that old Charlie, by saying that, quite frankly, he doesn’t understand the Tea Party, actually referred to the group as "a cult-type of group", and going on to say that to campaign to repeal laws "is an illness", made it obvious that he has now gone round the proverbial bend. It was in a New York Daily News video posted back on Oct. 24 that Charlie said, "So politics is changing for me at this late age, to have to deal with a cult-type group of people."

And it’s in the same video that this senile old stooge, in what I guess was his own little way of defending Obamacare, goes on to say, "When a handful of people can control a larger number of people, to repeal a law that has been passed by the House, the Senate, and declared constitutional by the courts - and they campaign on the issue that it should be repealed- this is past Civics 101. This is illness." Ya know, this is the same mantra so oft repeated by Democrats, and it’s one that quite obviously ignores completely just how it was that the Democrats ‘passed’ this fiasco. They seem to think if they repeat it enough, we’ll come around to believing it. But it’s BULLSHIT!

Now also keep in mind here, that it was earlier this month that Rangel came out and announced that he’s planning on seeking his 23rd term in the U.S. Congress. Rangel, who is now 83 years old, has now served in Congress since 1971, or since the year after I graduated from high school. Come on folks, really? I’m sorry but you can’t tell me that somewhere in the district that this turd represents there is not a more qualified candidate than this pathetic antique, and quite corrupt, politician. I just don’t understand the fascination that so many seem to have for this guy? He has spent nearly his entire adult life on a mission to destroy our country.

"I understand Democrats and I used to understand Republicans," Rangel says early in the previously mentioned video, "There is something going on in this country that I don’t understand and that’s the Tea Party." This boob then goes on, "I have never met or dealt with politicians that don’t mind losing, that don’t mind taking down their party, the Republican Party, or their speaker or the country – or the president or the party for that matter." Obviously what this brain dead old asshole doesn’t understand, or simply has no interest in trying to understand, are those people who genuinely believe in the concept of limited government and individual liberties.

And the fact that Rangel has been in Congress for 42 years very clearly demonstrates the fact of just how screwed up we’ve now allowed things to get. And it also points out the fact that the IQ of those who make up his district, when added all together, would likely be somewhere in the single digits. What, exactly, has this boob done that would make him in any way worthy of being reelected 23 times? Is it just because he’s black? Because he certainly is far from being the most intelligent guy in Congress. I mean really, how much smarts does it take to support programs that essentially do nothing more than to rob from one group and give to another?

Rangel represents the problem that I have with allowing the ignorant among us to vote. Ok, maybe ignorant is too course of a term, even though it’s the perfect description of what’s occurring. How about those not having any skin in the game. Because those who are never required to contribute to the keeping of our great republic afloat, have absolutely no problem whatsoever with voting for slime like Rangel who then make sure that those of us who are required, are made to contribute an ever increasing amount. And thus the end result is that we continue to get guys like Rangel elected and then re-elected time, after time after time.

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