

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


trai·tor: who betrays one's country, a cause, or a trust.

So how many of you folks felt that knife going into your back earlier today? And not just once, mind you, but twelve separate times! Because once again those of us who consider ourselves conservative, have been betrayed by our elected officials who, through their arrogant actions have once again revealed themselves to be traitors that they are to our once proud republic. Because they chose to stand with ‘Dingy Harry’ Reid in direct opposition to the American people, they made what was a very conscious decision to betray those whom they were sent to Congress to represent. And by taking such action they have once more proven themselves to completely unworthy of the trust that has been placed in them. And they should be made to suffer the consequences.

What I’m talking about here is the vote for cloture that took place earlier today on what is being referred to as being the Ryan-Murray budget deal. A vote that has now cleared the way for what will be a simple majority vote that will result in even more reckless spending. And I think it safe to say that had there not been significant involvement on the part of 12 RINOS, the necessary threshold of 60 votes would not have been possible. So with the successful vote today it can now safely be said that RINO’s have been complicit in this bill, from beginning to end. Because it was a RINO who created it and it was with the assistance of RINOs that the Senate voted 67-33 to advance this supposed compromise, that conservatives oppose as being fiscally irresponsible.

In making sure that the ‘Dingy Harry’ would be successful in getting the votes that he needed, our 12 RINOs were only too eager to ally themselves with all 55 Senate Democrats in voting to begin debate on the measure. Those traitors joining in with the Democrats to invoke cloture included the usual RINO suspects of: Lamar Alexander, Roy Blunt, Saxby Chambliss, Susan Collins, Jeff Flake, Orrin Hatch, John Hoeven, Johnny Isakson, Ron Johnson, John McCain, Lisa Murkowski, and Rob Portman. Traitors all, and accomplices in the destruction of our children’s future. From this point forward, every one of these individuals must now have a target placed on the back, politically speaking, and to then be gotten rid of at the people’s earliest convenience.

The two-year deal will effectively gut the mandatory spending caps, aka sequester, which was dreamt up by Democrats in first place and imposed by Congress back in 2011. This will allow a $63 Billion increase in the discretionary budget, but it does absolutely nothing to reform entitlement programs, which are the main drivers of growing deficits and debt, The Heritage Foundation reported. The deal also raises certain "fees," or taxes. A simple majority is now all that needed for passage, which virtually guarantees its passage, that vote is expected to happen later this week. Speaking on the Senate floor after the vote, Sen. Mike Enzi said the deal breaks a promise made to taxpayers in 2011 to curtail spending. And he, of course, was right.

So where is it that we are to go to from here? Well, to be honest with you, I’m not sure. Because at this point there are very few who can genuinely be trusted. And maybe that’s what they’re trying to do, convince us that we should just give up trying to get them to do their job. But instead of giving up what we need to do is to come together, regardless of where it is that we live, and to then come up with a plan that will effectively put every single one of these turncoats on notice. We need to go in search of conservative candidates who we can then run against them. And even if we lose, isn’t it better to have fought and lost than not to have fought at all? My God, we can’t simply sit idly by while they go about destroying the future of our children. Can we?

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