

Monday, December 30, 2013


Well I doubt very much that anyone remains in need of being reminded of the fact that we continue to spend a substantial part December doing nothing more than to argue about what is essentially the opinion of one man, Mr. Phil Robertson. While much of the attention has been focused on what some have described as being his rather harsh, even mean-spirited, comments regarding the topic of homosexuality, there were also several who, shall we say, were unable to resist themselves from making what were some rather bizarre accusations regarding his comments on that topic of race relations in this country.

Now while I suppose some might be inclined to describe Mr. Robertson as being rather naïve, somewhat blind or simply a liar, none of those descriptions seemed to go far enough to suit that faux preacher, and professional race-baiter, Jesse "The Extortionist" Jackson. Jackson, much like his buddy Al "Bull Horn" Sharpton, who I seem to have heard very little from during this entire dustup, has managed to turn the business of inflaming hatred between the races into what as become, for him, a very lucrative one. And he is never one to turn down an opportunity that might allow him to add to his own personal coffers.

In choosing how best to describe the comments made by Mr. Robertson, Jackson once again demonstrated his eagerness to insert racism into situations, even where no racism exists. He said the following about Mr. Robertson: "These statements uttered by Robertson are more offensive than the bus driver in Montgomery, Alabama, more than 59 years ago. At least the bus driver, who ordered Rosa Parks to surrender her seat to a white person, was following state law. Robertson’s statements were uttered freely and openly without cover of the law, within a context of what he seemed to believe was ‘white privilege.’"

So let’s just cut right to the chase, here, shall we? Jackson is not only well known as being a race hustler but also a very successful fraud when it comes to who it is that he says he is. Many facts have been ignored over the years, being either bullied from ever seeing the light of day or significantly altered by way of an extensive revisionist whitewashing designed to prevent the truth from getting out. Personally, I doubt very much he is even a reverend. After all, he actually dropped out of seminary school. But the fraud doesn't stop there, and explains a lot of why so many follow him out of nothing more than ignorance.

In looking over the bio of the good reverend Jackson, more questions are raised than are answered. For instance there are questions about, not only his personal infidelity, but the good deal of the criminal behavior of his half-brother, as well as the many exaggerations, false claims (MLK died in my arms etc.), anti-Semitism, and, especially, the examples of what is nothing less than the extortion of money from US corporations in the name of diversity initiatives that mainly lined the pockets of Jackson and his wealthy friends, friends who in turn would donate to PUSH-Excel and other commingled Jackson ‘non-profits’.

Which kind of makes you wonder, what is it, exactly, that makes Jackson think that he has, and in any way, the moral authority to criticize ANYONE about ANYTHING? There’s an old adage that I would think that Jackson, being a reverend and all, would be familiar with and that I’m quite sure Mr. Robertson is. It’s the one that says, "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone." And if there’s one thing I think we can all agree on, it’s the fact that Jackson is far removed from being devoid of sin. But that, most certainly, has never prevented him from pronouncing the guilt of others regarding misdeeds, real or imagined.

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