

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


There is very little disagreement these days that the launch of healthcare.gov was, to put it politely, "unsuccessful." But according to White House Spokesmoron, Jay "The Lying Sack Of Shit" Carney, that’s really beside the point. Because according to this imbecile, "I think the heart of the matter is, was the launch of the website unsuccessful? The answer is yes. Was it absolutely our responsibility to take every measure necessary to make the fixes we could make so that that website functioned more effectively for the Americans who want -- they don't want an effective website. They want health insurance. They want affordable, quality coverage. And that's what we're working to achieve." That’s not what we’ve seen so far.

Most of the questions directed at Carney on Monday involved the problem-plagued website, which was quickly overwhelmed with visitors, 375,000 by Monday noontime, according to Carney’s count. The "improved" website, instead of shutting down, now simply sends excess visitors off to a waiting queue, where they can leave an email address requesting notification when the website isn't so busy. It was over the weekend, that folks on ‘Team Barry "Almighty"’ said the technical team is now "operating with private sector velocity and effectiveness" as it continues to improve the website. Ok folks, so what’s that tell ya? I mean isn’t that like sort of admitting that just maybe the government just isn’t up to this task? Just sayin’.

Anyway, one enterprising young journalist asked Carney if the government could keep up that pace in the days ahead? Carney responded, "Well, I'd say a couple of things about that. The answer is yes, we can, in the days ahead, continue to work around the clock, as we have in recent days and weeks, to make the necessary improvements." And the song and dance routine continued, "What is absolutely the case is that the private sector does some things very well and better than the government can, and running effective websites may be one of them, is one of them. What the Affordable Care Act demonstrates is that it is important for government to take action in order to, for example, do something the private sector has failed to do, which is reduce the inflation rate in health care costs." Oh really?

And on he went, saying, "What we saw prior to the passage of the Affordable Care Act was enormous increases annually in the amount of money that this country spends on health care. And what we have seen since the passage of the Affordable Care Act, contradicting every prediction made by Republicans who opposed it, is that the cost of health care and the growth in those costs have been declining. And that is a significant goal set by the Affordable Care Act and a significant achievement over these three years. These three years have seen the lowest growth in health care costs of any time in the past half-century." You know, I just don’t understand how someone can so blatantly lie like this and still expect us to believe what’s being said.

Let’s just say that there has been a slowing down in the cost of healthcare that has occurred, as Carney says. But isn’t it far more likely that it has been caused more by our extremely sluggish economy than by anything having to do with the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare? And another thing, while Obamacare will subsidize premiums for some Americans, millions more are going to get screwed as they will be forced to pay much more than they did previously for an insurance policy that, by law, will now cover services that many don’t want or need. But, you see, that doesn’t seem to matter all that much to the Democrat control-freaks who created this never-ending nightmare that the American people are now being forced to live through.

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