

Monday, December 2, 2013


Are there very many of you out there who, like me, tend to get more than just a bit nauseated whenever you hear some idiotic liberal making references to Jesus. Those would be, of course, one of those very same liberals who think it somehow inappropriate for there to be a manger scene to be put up down in the town square this time of year, or to have Holiday Break instead of Christmas Break or other anti-Christmas, anti-religion nonsense that we’re constantly subjected on what is nearly a constant basis.

Anyway, what brings me to even talk about this is the fact that we, very recently, had one of those liberal loons, ‘Baghdad Jim’ McDermott, make an appearance on Al Sharpton’s program on MSNBC. It was then, and in what I guess was an effort to somehow justify the ridiculous level to which the food stamp program has now ballooned, that Jim tried to make the point by saying that Jesus fed five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fish and "he didn’t charge food stamps."

The way he put it was to say, "When Jesus had those five loaves and two fishes, he didn't charge food stamps. He didn't ask anybody how much money they had. He fed them because they were hungry, and that's really where we ought to be," McDermott said in response to Republican critics of the SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program). Look, this moron can make all the religious analogies that he wants, but that does nothing to address what we all know is the real problem here.

I suppose what has old ‘Baghdad Jim’s’ panties in such a bunch, is the fact that it was this past September, that the House approved a plan by Republicans to cut $39 billion in food stamps over the next 10 years. In 2009, there were 33,489,975 people on food stamps. As of Nov. 8, 2013, a total of 47,666,124 people participated in the SNAP program. Wouldn’t you think that Jim’s bigger concern would be how it is that here in America we now have nearly 50 Million people who require food stamps?

Then, of course, we had the host of the show, everyone’s favorite faux preacher, ask ‘Baghdad Jim", "Congressman, what do your Republican congressman say to you when you tell them how much their policies are really hurting real people, real poor people?" To which Jim responded, "They really don't believe it, Rev. They're not listening to the pope. You and the pope run the same wavelength. The income equality is just going by most of these people." Income equality? Not sure what he means there.

Anyway, old Jimbo went on to say, and I’m assuming here that he was talking about the Republicans, that they should, perhaps, go to a food bank at a church or something and stand there and talk to the people. He said, "You would find out these are not people who are not trying. They're not people who want to be there. They're people who are ashamed in many instances to be doing something they never thought they’d be brought to, and they're having difficulty, and we're the richest nation in the world."

You know, the bottom line here, at least to my way of thinking, is that if there was more being done to actually get people back to work, instead of encouraging them to become addicted to the government, the need for food stamps would most likely be dramatically reduced. But then that would run counter to continuing Democrat efforts to get as many people as possible very firmly attached to the government teat. Because, you see, it’s with that increased dependence on government, that comes a very reliable means of control.

And I guess I found it as being very telling that ‘Baghdad Jim’ still felt quite comfortable in referring to our country as being the richest nation in the world. Because I would argue that that’s really no longer the case. Actually, with Barry as our president, we now owe more people more money than any other country on the entire planet. And because of the reckless fiscal policies that have been put forth, America’s credit rating was downgraded for the first time in our history. Someone should tell Jimbo that we are now officially, BROKE!

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