

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


As someone who has loved my country for as long as I can remember, I get somewhat offended, even angry, when I hear someone who may not have even been born here, say that it is now in need of some sort of "fundamental transformation?" A transformation from what and into what? Well over the course of the last 5 years the answer to that question as become fairly obvious. Our nation is now well on its way to being transformed from a freedom loving nation, populated by those with individual with certain inalienable rights that have been bestowed upon them by God, and into something becoming totally unrecognizable for those of us that have been around awhile.

Because, slowly but surely we are becoming a nation where the individual is only able to enjoy those ‘rights’ that the government has determined that one is worthy of. And keep in mind also, if the government comes to assume itself to be the guarantor of our rights, how far are we from that point in time when the government will be claiming that it is able to dictate that you know longer possess certain rights. Suppose that, because of something you said, maybe even something quite trivial, you find a ‘representative’ from the government on your doorstep, and is there to inform you that you no longer have the right to your freedom of speech. Think that’s not possible? Better think again.

But there’s no arguing the point that what has transpired here is something that we’ve managed to bring upon ourselves and all by ourselves. And nearly every time we’ve been provided with the opportunity to correct past mistakes, we’ve chosen not to. Now granted, we can blame the politicians who we can say lied to us. But we’re the ones who were only too happy to believe what we’re being told without expending the slightest amount of energy to investigate whether or not we’re being told the truth. After all, "Who’s the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?" And we’re talking about important issues and yet we’re unwilling to research the truth. How sad is that?

Think about it, we now find ourselves in a place where the government can ‘force’ us to spend our money to purchase health insurance. Have any of those who actually seem to be in favor of this fiasco, given any thought to all that might go along with that. I mean how far are we from the government being able to tell us what we can eat and what we can’t, backing that up with a threat to take our health insurance away? We have now granted the government more control over our individual lives then ever before in our history. And the encroachment continues day, after day, after. As a matter of fact, as of today, January 1, the government has also now banned the incandescent light bulb.

When, if ever, will the American people finally reach that point beyond which they will go no further? My hopes that such an event will ever take place dwindle a bit more with each passing day. And for the life of me, I can’t figure out why so many Americans are willing to go along with what is so obviously robbing them of their freedom and with so few complaints. Is it that many of us no longer wish to deal with the riggers of daily life and are only too happy to allow someone else, even the government, manage our lives for us? Or, is it that we have now grown so accustomed to receiving our monthly check that we mind very little if we’re required to give up a little freedom in exchange.                  

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