

Monday, January 6, 2014


Thank God there remain those willing to fight this president of ours as he continues to act more like a dictator than a president. And what makes it very clear that another front in the war against Obamacare has now opened is something that comes to us in the form of a letter written by 11 state Attorney Generals warning Barry "Almighty" that his numerous ‘tweaks’ to the Affordable Care Act are both illegal and something that will mark the beginning of what is likely to be a long, but very necessary, legal battle to restore the backbone of our Constitution. Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, one of the signatories of this letter, said in a recent interview, "We are escalating our fight." Mr. Abbott also said, "You're going to see more people really for this cause because Americans … are incredibly frustrated by how the president keeps changing and altering the goal post and the Obamacare law." He goes on to say, "What we have seen time and time again is the president incapable of living within the confines of the heavy-handed law imposed on its fellow Americans and efforts to try to extricate itself from a political bad situation."

The Dec. 26th letter to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is signed by the attorney generals of Texas, West Virginia, Alabama, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Virginia. It criticizes Barry's executive order that allows insurance companies one more year to offer health plans that had been canceled for not meeting the standards of the Affordable Care Act. The letter states, "We support allowing citizens to keep their health insurance coverage, but the only way to fix this problem-ridden law is to enact changes lawfully: through Congressional action." Mr. Abbott said , "[Obama] is a president who is unconstrained by the law and is acting more like a king than he is president because it is only the Congress of the United States of America that can make laws." Adding, "So here it's the president who's making up the laws as he goes along … The rule of law in the United States of America is becoming as wishy-washy as it is in some of these third world countries" This must be what Barry had in mind when he was talking about America being in need of a "fundamental transformation."

Anyway, in making his point why this battle has now become so necessary, Mr. Abbott said, "I don't know of any other president in the history of the United States of America who has disregarded the constitutional structure more than this president. And, as a result, that is why these state attorneys general, including myself, are now pushing back." While I think it was easily recognizable, even quite obvious, that our last two Democrat presidents possessed a rather potent dislike of America, I think it quite safe to say that our current president possesses a level of hatred for America never before seen in a sitting president. It’s really quite amazing. Nearly everything he has done since assuming office, both here at home and abroad, has been done with one specific thing in mind, and that is the tearing down of America. And really nothing demonstrates his reckless disregard for those whom he was elected to lead than does his disastrous attempt to seize control of what was once the best healthcare system in the world. So now, we must leave no stone unturned in our effort to make clear that the Constitution and the rule of law still applies to all, even presidents.

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