

Monday, January 20, 2014


Well, well, well, what do we have here. It would seem that the pro-abortion movement’s latest heroine isn’t exactly all that she’s claimed herself to be. I’m sure you all remember Wendy Davis, the Texas state senator whose filibuster for abortion rights made her a Democratic superstar overnight which then prompted her to launch a campaign for governor. Apparently she has now admitted to the Dallas Morning News that she lied about some key events in her life, including her first divorce. And worse, Davis may even have lied under oath, testifying in a federal lawsuit over redistricting saying that "I got divorced by the time I was 19 years old," when in fact she was divorced at the age of 21.

Other discrepancies found on her resume include the fact that it was her second husband who paid her way through law school and that she then divorced him the day after the last payment was made. Also her ex-husband accused her in initial court filings of adultery, and was awarded custody of their two daughters and that she first ran for city council in Fort Worth as a Republican. And in admitting that her campaign biography has been a little less than truthful, she sounded like a true Democrat in saying, "My language should be tighter." Tighter? Now that’s a rather unique way to explain the fact that she lied. Democrats are so…creative when it comes to explaining why they lie.

Now what remains unclear is whether the article in the Dallas Morning News, written by senior political writer Wayne Slater, is intended to be an exposé or some kind of weird defense of her lies designed to reveal embarrassing details in the best light possible and to present an overall picture of competence. One unidentified source, who said that Davis is "going to figure out a way to spin herself in a way that grabs at the heart strings," is also quoted as saying that "she’d be a good governor." Regardless, the fact that Davis "blurred" her biography raises questions about her integrity. Look, no offense here, but Ms. Davis appears to be nothing more than a complete fraud practically from the ground up!

I think by this time we should all be pretty much aware of how those in the media bend over backwards in their efforts to protect Democrats, most notably, Barry "Almighty", Davis's contemporary at Harvard Law School, when they present what are false "composites" of their lives. It remains to be seen whether they’ll treat Davis in the same manner. Of course it doesn’t hurt that she’s female, so that’s definitely a point in her favor. If she was some white guy caught in similar lies, she’d be toast. But if you’re black, a female, or both, and a Democrat, you become, almost instantaneously, a media darling. So will this prove to be the demise of the Texas all-female ticket? I suppose that is yet to be determined.

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