

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Thanks to a flood of not so brilliant economic policies that have been, and continue to be, put into place by a former ‘community agitator’, the United States has now managed to fall from the list of top 10 on the list of economically free countries on the 2014 Index of Economic Freedom. Instead, the top 10 spots went to Denmark, Ireland, Mauritius, Chile, Canada, New Zealand, Switzerland, Australia, Singapore and Hong Kong. The United States came in at number 12. The U.S. was ranked number 6 when Barry "Almighty" first took office in 2009. So hence we have yet another significant milestone for Barry.

The economic freedom index is something that is jointly published by the Wall Street Journal and the Heritage Foundation and it ranks the top 10 countries based on the average of 10 separate measurements, including government spending, fiscal freedom, trade freedom and freedom from corruption. America’s spot on the 20th annual index is an "unfortunate but foreseeable slide," said Heritage President and former U.S. Senator Jim Demint. "It should stun everyone," he said, noting that the U.S. has even managed to fall behind Estonia on the index. Well, I guess that shows you what you can do when you put your mind to it.

America’s place on the index has been on a pretty steady decline for the past seven years, to the point where it now has the status of being "mostly free." Think about that for a second, America, the supposed beacon of freedom, now considered as being "mostly free." According to the index, the decline is due primarily to poor showings in "fiscal freedom, business freedom and property rights." "Fortunately despair will never be part of what we do here at the Heritage Foundation," DeMint said. "We’re continuing to work on those factors, those inputs, that change the total output of economic growth."

Personally, I blame one man, Barry. Because when he came into office, he did so as a man with a mission. And mission that differed considerably from the one that most of his predecessors most likely possessed. Where most have come into office possessing a desire to try to leave things better than they found them, Barry came into office quite determined to leave things in a far worse condition. He made it known that it was his desire to "take America down a peg or two." And hardly a day has gone by that Barry hasn’t made it very clear that what he wishes his legacy to be is an America left lying in ruin.

Barry absolutely salivates of the prospects of his being able to go down in history as being the one man who was able to bring about the complete demise, economically, internationally and militarily, of the United States of America. And nearly everything that he undertaken since first assuming office has been done with that end in mind. And as bizarre as this might sound, we have today, as our president, a man who, quite literally, hates this country to the very core of his being. And it is a very deep and seething hatred, and one that compels him, even drives him, to be as destructive as he possibly can.

But unfortunately, Barry is far from being the only member of the Democrat Party who possesses some level of hatred for America. I think it fair to say that there has always been, and continues to be, a great many Democrats who possess no great love for this country. But I must say that never before have they been as obvious about their feelings as they are today. With them now having an ally in the White House that seems to have provided them with the necessary courage to operate more out in the open. And as such they are now free to implement all manner of endless assault on this country.

There is now underway what can only be described as a very concerted effort to destroy this country. I’m not sure what other explanation there can possibly be for purposely burying this country under such a mountain of debt that the prospects for ever being able to pay it back are nonexistent. The plan is to engineer a scenario the only outcome of which is nothing short of a complete collapse of our entire economic system. Our national debt now sits firmly atop $17 Trillion dollars and a new spending bill that is now being discussed, if passed, will spend another $1.1 Trillion in just the remainder of this fiscal year.

So is it any wonder that we, as a nation, are becoming less and less free, while at the same time our government is becoming more and more controlling. And is the direction in which our country is now headed, the direction that most responsible people would agree with? I simply fail to understand how it is that so many people would be quite willing to elect another communist after, what I assume will be, our having barely survived eight years of our current communist leader. Are we really that Hell-bent on bringing about our own demise? The country will not survive having Hitlery Clinton as president after eight years of Barry. It just won’t.

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